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Nombre de pays visa free avec le cameroun

Question anonyme le 06/09/2010 à 12h32
Dernière réponse le 17/01/2013 à 07h51
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Quels sont les pays qui sont visas free avec le cameroun je veux leurs listes
3 réponses pour « 
nombre de pays visa free avec le cameroun
Réponse de zidane87
Le 09/06/2011 é 12h17
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Réponse anonyme
Le 05/05/2012 é 19h24
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You could apply for a green card in the next (fall 2008) DV-programm aka Green Card Lottery . Chances to win are about 1:20 for European applicants which is not bad but there is nointhg like a guarantee that you win the first time or in any future programs. Check out the official website of any US-Embassy or Consulate General. Application is free of any admission/fees. It is not worth to pay fees to any middleman agency to handle you Green Card application particularly not as you are British and the language is no problem for you at all!As you already mentioned it is not the problem to find a job in the US but rather to proof that there is no American with your qualification/expertise who could do the job. Because only on this basis you will be granted a work visa of any type. Besides that is means a lot of paper work and fees for the prospective employer. Usually this doesn't work. Another more realistic option would be to search for a British employer with branches/subsidiaries in the US who would assign you to a job in the US. In this case the US branch is most likely doing the paper work with the work visa. Disadavantage: Usually it might take a while (1-2 years) until you get the chance to be transferred to the US. Was this answer helpful?
Réponse anonyme
Le 17/01/2013 é 07h51
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Ya bien de oays visa free, mais c est le trajet pour y arrivee ki fait probleme, il ya seychelles, mauritanie, les iles cooks, la dominique, phillipimes, cambodge, maldives, equqteur,bolivie, syrie,samoa, vanuatu, bielorussie
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nombre de pays visa free avec le cameroun
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