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Recherche de centre de formation

Question de adelin11 le 03/01/2010 à 23h14
Dernière réponse le 27/10/2012 à 07h08
[ ! ]
Je me nomme monhin yade ehud adelin j'ai 14ans je suis un ivoirien je recherche un bon centre qui pouras vite me fait evoluer quelque soit le pays en afrique
1 réponse pour « 
recherche de centre de formation
Réponse anonyme
Le 27/10/2012 é 07h08
[ ! ]
Great article.Unfortunately, for suotprpers of the English national side, this was yet another sad indictment of their tactical limitations.Could you imagine the current England squad trying to adapt and play in a system like that? Even if Capello had drilled them in nothing else for the last two and a half years, odds are, they still wouldn't have a clue.Absolutely no chance that the likes of Johnson, Walcott, the vice-captain etc; have the wherewithal to incorporate that type of considered movement into their game.Oh well, 4-4-2 it is then.Good luck.
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recherche de centre de formation
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