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Sujet de 1y lmd english

Question anonyme le 19/02/2012 à 20h02
Dernière réponse le 07/01/2013 à 09h24
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I need subject for all modul english 1year lmd pleas de 1 semester
2 réponses pour « 
sujet de 1y lmd english
Réponse de farah.ch
Le 19/05/2012 é 16h03
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Civilization ( you will deal with Greek , Romans , African civilization...., what Arabs did ? the invention of the clock ... Grammar : you will deal with adjectives , verbs .......phrase compound sentence ,complex ,......but the method of the teacher differ from one another ...so you can't know what the teacher will teach you ...but you will knwo in the case that he/she gives you the programme so you can do some research You will have a foreign language either spanish or Deutsh as first year student you can have some background information of either spanish or deutsh you will have a modul in Arabic it depends on the teacher what's he is going te teach you Esp module in which you will know the different branches of ENGLISH ESP= english for specific puropes there is english for business, english for teaching......etc Written Epression module in which you will know the different steps to write a paragraph...you will imporve your writing Methodologie : it depends on the teacher what's he is going to teach you ? ........GOOD LUCK
Référence(s) :
second year student (lmd system)
Réponse de pretty hind
Le 07/01/2013 é 09h24
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Hello farah.ch i'm hind i study english and it's my first year i realy need help from you cause my examas are soon and i need some information on some modules , some exercises if y have or tests to help more so as soon u see this plz contact me on my fb pretty hind (i'm puting anushka photo ) thanks.
Référence(s) :
pretty hind
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sujet de 1y lmd english
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