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English program LMD

Question de kikooooo le 12/11/2010 à 17h38
Dernière réponse le 21/09/2018 à 13h36
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What are the modules taught in English lmd license at the University of Algeria? please
11 réponses pour « 
English program LMD
Réponse anonyme
Le 02/12/2010 é 17h12
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1- unité d'enseignement de fondamontal 1: composed of the following modules: 1- expression oral (speaking) …credit=3 coefficient=2 2- expression ecrite (writing) … credit= 3 coefficient=2 3- comprehension Oral(Listening) …credit=2 coefficient=1 4- comprehension ecrite(reading) …credit=3 coefficient= 1 2- unité d'enseignement de fondamontal02: composed of the following modules: 1- morphosyntaxe (grammar) …credit=3 coefficient= 2 2- linguistique …credit=3 coefficient=1 3- phonetique …credit= 2 coefficient=1 4- literature (British/American ) …credit= 2 coefficient=1 5- civilization (British/American ) …credit=2 coefficient=1 3- unité d'enseignement transversal: composed of the following modules: 1- langue Etrangere2(French) …credit=1 coefficient=1 2- TICE(informatique) …credit= 1 coefficient=1 4- unité d'enseignement de découverte: composed of only one module langue de spécialité …credit= 2 coefficient=1 5-unité d'enseignement de méthodologie composed of only one module (but surely it's a difficult one! at least for me) 1- methode de recherche universitère …credit=3 coefficient=2
Réponse anonyme
Le 26/12/2011 é 16h08
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Hi I'm student in second year english I need exam subjects and courses please in order to be ready for exams thank you
Réponse anonyme
Le 11/02/2012 é 21h01
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Grammaire.vocabulary.phonetics.litterature.LSP.written expression.oral expression.linguistics.research methodology.french.
Référence(s) :
i am a student of English
Réponse anonyme
Le 11/07/2012 é 20h36
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Hi is it sure all these modules in the 2 nd year because we had just 10 modules in the 1 st year I will be in the 2nd year
Réponse anonyme
Le 01/09/2012 é 21h55
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For me in khenchela we have 1 modules in the 3red year.written expression,oral exp ,linguistic,french,methodology,british literature,american literature,B civilization;AM civilization.informatique,statistics.psychology,african literature
Référence(s) :
i just graduat this year
Réponse de leilaa
Le 13/09/2013 é 14h13
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Please I need the program of English grammar 2nd year LMD system!
Réponse anonyme
Le 21/01/2014 é 19h55
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Oral expression ,written expression ,linguistics,phonitics,grammar,psychology,american civilisation ,british civilisation,american and british literature african literature,dedactics,interculturality,methodology,
Référence(s) :
i am a teacher in the university
Réponse anonyme
Le 07/11/2015 é 10h30
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I need example of first translation exam 2nd year lmd student please help me
Réponse anonyme
Le 23/05/2017 é 15h17
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Hello.i need to see the exam of w.e module first year lmd system second semester and thank you advence
Réponse anonyme
Le 17/10/2017 é 21h16
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Salu sir or miss I am first year in university english I need lessens of all what you have because they didnt ixplain a lot so i want study also in home pleaze help me
Réponse anonyme
Le 21/09/2018 é 13h36
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Hi all i'am 3rd year english student i wanna know all the modules that we are gonna tackle this year plz
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English program LMD
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