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The emigration is a dangerous phenomen.

Question de salsita le 23/06/2010 à 13h52
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I think that the emigration is very bad habit bacause we know in this time all the people flow away from their poor countries no nother riche and big countries such us Canada and Us for estance,to looking for better conditions of life better than their sutiations in their home countries for example to looking for high incomes,facilities to keep o their studies their and protect themselves from the scorge of war they want to find a safe place but it has a bad sids to because the folk how empties their countries they ecourage the similarities between developing and undeveloping countries and they empty the country for their humain recouses and that help to have a weak economic how saffer a lot from a lot of troubles,so the message is we should be wise and stay in our county and make it stonger and better than another countries beacause"many hands make a good work". Thank you so much
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The emigration is a dangerous phenomen.
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