Bjr j'ai été Rolling RDR( Retail development representative) à Guinness Cameroon je maitrise parfaitement le Grand-Nord et l'Est Cameoun je suis titulaire d'une maitrise en Droit Privée .J' aimerai integrer MTN et voudrai savoir comment faire pour y parvenir? Merci
I am called FANG Stephen KUM,a final year student in the Faculty of letters and Human Science in the University of Douala .I wish to serve in your company in the capacity of a translator, interpreter or publicity based on my acquired knowledge in bilingual studies since the past three years.
I am called TIZI Eveline PINUH a final year student in the Faculty of letters and Human Science in the University of Douala .I wish to serve in your company in the capacity of a translator, interpreter or publicity based on my acquired knowledge in bilingual studies since the past three years.I am also a nursing assistant so ,can help in the first aid.