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I want to get a job in Dubai

Question de khalil-aloui le 21/05/2012 à 17h08
Dernière réponse le 21/05/2012 à 17h11
[ ! ]
I am a graduate of the University of Engineering and obtained a certificate of license applied hydraulic management and environment and reported the age of 23 Tunisian nationality and I seek an employment contract in dubai and I speak French, English and Arabic and a little italian in the end of study project I'm doing 32 ha by 3700 GPS surveying equipment for the contribution to the characterization of mechanical benching and I know the software ARC VIEW and ARC GIS well
1 réponse pour « 
I want to get a job in Dubai
Réponse de khalil-aloui
Le 21/05/2012 é 17h11
[ ! ]
My telephone number 99544007 my email: khalilofadiga88@hotmail.fr
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I want to get a job in Dubai
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