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Avez vous besoin dún joueur qui veut changer de club?

Question anonyme le 22/10/2010 à 05h56
Dernière réponse le 06/02/2011 à 23h06
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Bonjour jsui un joueur a lequipe de wasquehal en cfa2 a lille et je cherche un nouveau club y compri un manageur qui pourra me guider merci..
1 réponse pour « 
avez vous besoin dún joueur qui veut changer de club?
Réponse de Najibahmed
Le 06/02/2011 é 23h06
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Hello Name: Benzerga, firstName: hakim I was born in Algeria in Oran on 02/08/1992 and I played football in my country and I started football as I was 5 years now I football , and I continued to play football in France with the team this elbeuf R.T.caudebec of the west of France, and season passes I play well but I can miss a chance to transfer in May had not Opportunities With the move of the French teams and I am sure I have great ability to play and I would love to play with professional clubs like your team I promise you I'll do a lot for the team I want doand I'm not interested in money if you wanted to play with you his money, I play and I'm able to do a good result with you I saw a chance to play in your team what I'm looking for his May I 'm in town there is the amateur club and I have not had great luck with professional club all you ask and the decisions and you to if you want me to spend my steps at home or at the same time you test me thank you .               Mr. Hakim Benzerga  21, rue Boucher de Perthes 76500 Elbeuf  Tel:                                                                     Resume studier September 11, 2007 arrival in France (in Algeria before school)  School in France in September 2007 at College Mount Vallont (in 4th)  School in France in September 2008 at College Mount Vallont (in 3rd)  September 2009 at the Lycee school in France Bruyères (2nd in General)                                       Sports  2007.20006 Licensee U.S.M.T. Ain Temouchent (League 2), Algeria  2008.2009 Licensee to monitor training Puchot FC (U17), France  2010.2009 Licensee R. C. Caudebec (U18), France  Licensee Section High School Football Sports Locale Bruyères; Sotteville-les-Rouen 2011.2010 Licensee saint aubin fc (U19) Francesaintaubinfc@wanadoo.fr                                    Profiles  Technical oriented offensive player.  Ability to evolve in attack or midfield (in the axis or on the sides).  Right-handed player preference, but able to use his left foot.  Player great and powerful ball to feet.                                                Interests  Strong interest in sports in general and football in particular.  Career educator considered.  Taste for mechanics (aircraft, etc..).
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avez vous besoin dún joueur qui veut changer de club?
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