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Code pour autoradio Blaupunkt

Question de winnie32 le 25/06/2012 à 23h14
Dernière réponse le 23/12/2021 à 12h12
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Bonjour à tous, Ayant changé de batterie, j'ai besoin du code de mon autoradio. Pourriez-vous m'aider afin que je puisse utiliser mon autoradio s'il vous plait. Voici le n° : BP333140701370. Par avance merci.
161 réponses pour « 
Code pour autoradio Blaupunkt
Réponse de hay88
Le 26/06/2012 é 00h50
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Winnie32 hI YOUR CODE IS 3612 CHEERS HAY88
Réponse de winnie32
Le 26/06/2012 é 17h16
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Hi HAY88, thanks a lot for your answer and your help. The code is right and my radio car work. If you need help for something, mail me. Have a good time. WINNIE32
Réponse de lamouzamir
Le 05/08/2012 é 19h28
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Hi please i need help , this is the number : bp9372y3632244
Réponse de hay88
Le 05/08/2012 é 19h30
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Please i need help, this is the number: bp9372y3632244 = code 3353
Réponse anonyme
Le 13/08/2012 é 15h40
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Hello everybody, i have the same trouble. After my cell is out and changed i can't enter my code because i haven't card of code. Serial of my blaupunkt fiat multipla: BP7646325316 Can anyone help me please?
Réponse de hay88
Le 13/08/2012 é 16h35
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Please post the main serial can be found stamped into the metal casing on the back of the radio like bp6325*1234567
Réponse anonyme
Le 13/08/2012 é 16h47
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Sorry it's not BP7646325316 for fiat multipla but: BP632576197944 NR: 7354360610 Thanks for help.
Réponse de hay88
Le 13/08/2012 é 16h49
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Sorry it's not for fiat multipla BP7646325316 goal: BP632576197944 NR: 7354360610 = code 2141
Réponse anonyme
Le 02/09/2012 é 12h00
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Bonjour j ai perdu mon code de l autoradio et je voudrai savoir le code? BP4381S5743515
Réponse de hay88
Le 02/09/2012 é 15h21
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Hello my day I lost the radio code and I want to know the code? BP4381S5743515 = code 7828
Réponse de hay88
Le 02/09/2012 é 15h22
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NOT 7828 CODE 7827 Hello my day I lost the radio code and I want to know the code? BP4381S5743515= CODE 7827
Réponse de sultan9
Le 06/09/2012 é 15h02
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Bonjour jai pérdu mon code auto radio PU-2294A (c) n de serie :CL040120779909 svp aidez moi merci please help me thanks :)
Référence(s) :
Réponse de hay88
Le 06/09/2012 é 22h51
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The only CLARION code available for free (using a serial number ) from anywhere on the Internet is if your radio also has a BARCODE SERIAL NUMBER beginning with C 7000000 + + + + on a label somewhere on the metal casing. If not then it will only be available from your Main Dealer or a Decoding Service or your local Car Radio / Audio Store who will connect a laptop to read/recode the memory chip (EEPROM) inside your radio
Réponse anonyme
Le 20/09/2012 é 10h33
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Bonjour j ai perdu mon code radio blaupunkt origine renault n°BP4495S2707375 MERCI CORDIALEMENT
Référence(s) :
Réponse de hay88
Le 20/09/2012 é 10h54
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Hello j have lost my radio code blaupunkt renault origin BP4495S2707375 THANK No CORDIALEMENT Reference (s): xav9 = code 2884
Réponse de karsam
Le 10/11/2012 é 15h01
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Bonjour, je viens d'acheter une BX Citroën mais l'ancien propriétaire n'avait pas le code de l'auto radio. C'est un BLAUPUNKT BOSTON CC22. Pouvez-vous m'aider? BP2750P7632411 D'avance merci.
Réponse de hay88
Le 10/11/2012 é 15h55
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Hello, I just bought a Citroën BX, but the previous owner did not code the car radio. This is a BLAUPUNKT BOSTON CC22. Can you help me? BP2750P7632411 thank you in advance. = code 1618 Code Entry as Follows: Switch Radio On - Display Shows " Cod " Press Preset " 1 " and the display will show " 0 0 0 " Press preset " 1 " repeatedly for 1st Digit Press preset " 2 " repeatedly for 2nd Digit Press preset " 3 " repeatedly for 3rd Digit Press preset " 4 " repeatedly for 4th Digit If the correct code number is now shown Press RH Tuning Button " > " to Enter
Réponse de angelbullitt
Le 16/11/2012 é 21h51
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Bonjour. je viens d acheté un Clarion PU 2294 A(C) N CL0401Z0549577 il était monté sur une 306. je l ai acheté pour le monté sur ma xsara Phase 1. le vendeur n a plus le code. pouvez vous m aidez? merci
Réponse de hay88
Le 17/11/2012 é 01h10
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The only CLARION code available for free (using a serial number) from anywhere on the Internet is if your radio aussi HAS BARCODE SERIAL NUMBER beginning with C 7000000 + + + + we label somewhere on the metal casing. then it will not If only be available from your Main Dealer Gold Decoding Service or your local Car Radio / Audio Store who will connect a laptop to read / recode the memory chip (EEPROM) inside your radio
Réponse de Inès t
Le 21/11/2012 é 19h41
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Bonjour j'ai une fiat punto 2004 j'ai changé la batterie et je n'ai pas le code du poste 815 bp237534110738 punto cd 7642375316 merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
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Code pour autoradio Blaupunkt
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