Slt je suis une etudiante en 3ème année biologie LMD et jusqu'a mainen j'ai pas une idée sur les specialites du biologie si vous pouvez m'orienté j'attend votre reponse merci
Hi sweetheart,
You've to know that the good idea for a nice girl is that she should find a nice and Beleiver man. Then, she go to get merried.
Finally, Bac+3years is enough for a girl.
I hope that u undrestand me.
PhD student in Biology.
I'm sorry, that's just the way it is.
You have to seeking for a good and a belaiver man for getting married only, because you're become more and more very old without man. You have to finish your half relegion. Bac + 3 years is good for you.. stop at this level. Because the real life is the name Ma'am instead Mis. Wake up girl.
Yes you are you don't know any thing about science or real life don't listen to him honey he's a sycho do what ever you can to become the best man is a méktoob you chould not wait for him or destroy you're life there is in biologie biochimie microbiologie biologie célulair et moléculaire
that's all i know look for it in google you'll find it good luck i wish you the best honey 1 anné biologie
Hi .u r wrong sir coz for any one bac +3 not enough and of caurse she will get married but befor she have to succec and give more for the word don't stop here miss
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