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Flight attendant it´s my dream and i will never give up

Question de keep trying le 26/07/2013 à 22h19
Dernière réponse le 26/07/2013 à 22h39
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Good evening every one :) my name haifa i m from tunisia my dream to be flight attendant i love that world really it´s amazing , i wanna apply with emirates airline for me it´s my best but i heard it´s not easy interview ,study...plz any one working with emirates help me and tell me wich conditions and steps can i be part with emirates :) kind regards contact me in my email and thanks
1 réponse pour « 
flight attendant it´s my dream and i will never give up
Réponse de keep trying
Le 26/07/2013 é 22h39
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Good evening every one :) my name haifa i m from tunisia my dream to be flight attendant i love that world really it´s amazing , i wanna apply with emirates airline for me it´s my best but i heard it´s not easy interview ,study...plz any one working with emirates help me and tell me wich conditions and steps can i be part with emirates :) kind regards contact me in my email and thanks haifabeji@yahoo.fr
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flight attendant it´s my dream and i will never give up
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