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Lookink for a steward offer from Quatar airways

Question anonyme le 18/07/2009 à 17h06
Dernière réponse le 19/05/2012 à 16h29
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Hi, i'm Mehdi from Tunisia, 23 years old, i speak Frensh, English and Arabic. I just heard that Quatar airways need stewards who speak English and i'm here to ask u about how to get that job if it's possible.. plz answer me at (hammamimehdi@hotmail.com) thx, and good luck..
9 réponses pour « 
lookink for a steward offer from Quatar airways
Réponse anonyme
Le 01/09/2009 é 15h18
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Hi, i'm jamal from morocco, 22 years old, i speak Frensh, English and Arabic. I just heard that Quatar airways need stewards who speak English and i'm here to ask u about how to get that job if it's possible.. plz answer me at (mario_jamal@hotmail.com)
Référence(s) :
morocco agadir
Réponse de bebby
Le 04/01/2010 é 17h49
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Hi all, i'm Houssem Eddine from Tunisia, 21 years old, i speak Frensh, English and Arabic... I just heard that Quatar airways need stewards who speak English and i'm here to ask u about how to get that job if it's possible.. plz answer me at (houssem_bibbi@hotmail.com) thx, and good luck..
Réponse de iron maidan
Le 26/10/2010 é 21h42
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How to be a stewart in air-algerie! my name is Abdellah,25years old;i've english literature license
Référence(s) :
english literature deploma
Réponse anonyme
Le 19/11/2010 é 19h20
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Hi, my name is aymen from tunisia iam 25 years old and iam looking for a job on quatar airways i have a diploma steward and a certification of english also i speak frensh and arabic verry well so please if u received my message answer me thanks:) my ymail is : aymen-the-best@hotmail.com
Réponse de AyebPeter
Le 21/03/2011 é 20h31
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انا تونسي لي من العمر 21 سنة متحصل على شهائد اختصاص كالاتي : لغات : عربية-فرنسية -انقليزية -المانية - ايطالية -.الاسعافات الاولية- السلامة والانقاذ وشهادة الاختصاص كمضيف طيران اضافة الى الملاكمة والسباحة ارغب بالعمل باحدى الشركات المختصة ولكم جزيل الشكر الرجاء التصال بي على الرقم 0021626091116 وشكرا لكم
Référence(s) :
التمس من سيادتكم الموافقة في طلب شغل في احدى شركاتكم في خطة مضيف طيران
Réponse anonyme
Le 25/07/2011 é 20h59
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Hi im zakariaa from morocco .i have a dcomputer science diploma. and flight attandent diploma . i speak arabic frensh and english. if u heard any new .tell on my hotmail . zakariaa.prince@hotmail.fr or my face book . zakariaa pnc thanks.
Référence(s) :
Réponse anonyme
Le 28/02/2012 é 21h16
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Hello.iam tayeb I am 23 old from algeria am looking for a job. my favret job from childwood is stuward and am studing german in university. even I speak franch and arabic very well I have diploma of secours premier I can sweem for along distence please take it serusly and send me a message in zizoutayeb@hotmail.com this is my phone nember 2130799417469
Réponse anonyme
Le 06/03/2012 é 12h05
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Salut. je m'appele azzeddine tayeb algerien j'ai 23 ans avec des cheveux chatain et un corp bien posè je suis etudient universitaire branche allmand et bien cultivè mon rève c'est etre un steward j'ai touts les condition que vous demander je peut metriser la langue francaise l'arab et anglaise j'ai un diplome de soucourisme .merci c'est mon num de tèlèphone 002130799417469. email .zizoutayeb@hotmail.com
Réponse de farah.ch
Le 19/05/2012 é 16h29
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Hi, i'm Farah from Algeria , 19 years old, i speak Frensh, English,German and Arabic. I just heard that Quatar airways needs Aero hostess who speak English and i'm here to ask u about how to get that job if it's possible.. plz answer me at my email : farahsweety25@hotmail.fr this my number:+213794758464
Référence(s) :
second year student
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lookink for a steward offer from Quatar airways
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