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Football agent looking for young talents player

Question de johnbleg le 11/04/2012 à 17h15
Dernière réponse le 25/02/2014 à 14h32
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Mr. John Bleg nationality English. football Agent FIFA player of the UK-LONDON W13 8JE I am in contact with several football clubs of D1 and D2 of the country such as: England, Switzerland, china, Romania, Belgium, Portugal, and Morocco, Spain, Norway and some club in Dubai ... I'm here for urgent needs football players, because I have received requests from various football clubs who would like their formations Press again and training center, I search for serious and motivated young talents aged 15 to 25 years we have the urgent needs of 27 players (seven circles, 6 defenders, nine centers before and 5 goalie) I had a look at your message in a site where I am a subscriber. So hurry to send me the following documents. * A parental consent if you are a minor * Your Cv * photocopy of your ID or passport. * 2 photos of you on a football stadium * 4 photos 4 × 4 * Your Phone number or email address NB: if you do not have a passport you let past be made. After reviewing your resume and file by the club said an invitation will be send via email or SMS will be send to your laptop by the club or the DTN and after obtaining your folder you will go for a trial of four weeks in their local. contact : johnbleg@yahoo.com tell : +447035962501 tball agent looking for young talents players
7 réponses pour « 
football agent looking for young talents player
Réponse de adevoukokou
Le 12/04/2012 é 16h19
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Ok is good i can help u to have it ....my name is Mr kokou mawuko..im football adviser in Togo...i can get u the players....u can write me to my mail footfoot04@yahoo.fr and u can call me at +22892418630...i mwant to nkow the autenticity of this publication before i will send the players to you.... i waiting for your message.....
Réponse anonyme
Le 08/05/2012 é 14h49
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Ok je m apel el hadji j ai 18 ans et je suis footballeur je joue en deffense libero je mesur 1m90
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mes conditin c
Réponse anonyme
Le 19/05/2012 é 14h00
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Hello goodday am boniface from nigeria i am 22years/old tested league player i play from defensiveline now am free looking for club in any divesion.........contact........+227-9149-3915.....email chimobipeter@yahoo.com
Réponse anonyme
Le 21/05/2012 é 11h41
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Hello sir ,i am a goalkeeper from nigeria currently playing for a D2 in niger repobulic but now my contract has been terminted with them.so u can reach me on my mobile line +227-92603879 or email on ucheaustine78@yahoo.com facebook address is uche austine
Réponse de cael13
Le 04/09/2012 é 14h29
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Hello i am the Technical Adviser for the South West Region in Cameroon i am called, Njoku. My Centre has produced talented players around the counr=try and in the world from my football centre; Fokobo Fabrice in Sportin Lisbon and Kamdjo Clovis in Barnett Fc in England. contact me at +23779220262. we could have a good talk on many possiblilties.
Réponse anonyme
Le 24/10/2012 é 02h53
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Hello Im Zakaria From Morocco I've 20 Years a Talented Offensive midlifield Im Motivated and Trying to play for a professional team So Im waiting for Your Message This is My Number +2120655519326
Réponse anonyme
Le 25/02/2014 é 14h32
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Am Charles Taylor by name 15 years of age from Ghana and am seriously looking for a team to play outside my country
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football agent looking for young talents player
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