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Get information for the Hostesse's competition?

Question anonyme le 24/11/2011 à 11h33
Dernière réponse le 25/03/2019 à 23h55
[ ! ]
Hi ! i am maryem from tunisia ,I am 22 years old , I am student in first year i had a diploma of bac on 2010, I speak english, frensh, spanish and arabic. I am 165 cm and I weigh 48 kilos. I would like to be supposed to be the competition for the hotsesse of area for the company Qatar airways. finally, you can contact me on my e-mail : maryemtaboubi@hotmail.fr thank you very much
3 réponses pour « 
get information for the Hostesse's competition?
Réponse anonyme
Le 02/06/2013 é 06h02
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My name is fadwa,i have 22 years old. and i trained as a cabin crew in IAC international airlines crew of sousse and im working as a cashier.I will be very happy to be one of your candidate thank you
Réponse anonyme
Le 19/11/2013 é 00h00
[ ! ]
Hi ! i am farah from maroco ,I am 20 old , I am student in first bakery pastry .year i had a diploma of hetellier on 2012, i had diploma of in the media 2011. I speak english, frensh, and arabic. I am 1.73 cm and I weigh 65 kilos. you can contact me on my e-mail farahbouraada@gmail.com
Réponse anonyme
Le 25/03/2019 é 23h55
[ ! ]
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get information for the Hostesse's competition?
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