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Maintenant arnaque en anglais....on les verra tout

Question de cerisemauve le 04/10/2012 à 07h58
Dernière réponse le 02/11/2012 à 21h02
[ ! ]
Confirm Your E-Mail ID.‏ [Marquer ce message comme non lu] [Supprimer ce message] 01:52 Répondre ▼ ricardo.ce​ndoya@educt​rade.es Ajouter aux contacts De : ricardo.cendoya@eductrade.es Envoyé : jeu. 04/10/12 01:52 À : Microsoft SmartScreen a marqué ce message comme indésirable. Il sera supprimé dans 10 jours. Ce message est sûr ! Dear Winner, We the Jiangmen Phipsun™ Electrical Group Board Of Directors like to officially congratulate you for the draw that was just held by our company which featured you as the second place winner. Our company holds promotions every year, based on the random selection exercise of internet service providers (ISP) and millions of Super market cash invoices worldwide. This promotion is just one of various ways we are presently using to achieve this global vision of ours. Your email address with MICROS ID ( JLP-74105-LTYT-851JH-2HE ) was luckily drawn to be this year's second place winner of a Brand New new Range Rover SUV and a Cash prize of $580,000 United States Dollars.This money and gift we believe will enable you make some impact in the society and possibly invest in our company in the near future. Prizes won : Range Rover SUV and $580,000USD cash Your Micros ID is : JLP-74105-LTYT-851JH-2HE Contact Company Agent: Dr.Shaw Andrey, who is responsible for your claims who is our claims official in Europe..United Kingdom and can understand your english and some european languages. CONTACT HIM WITH YOUR DETAILS, FILL DETAILs BELOW; ***Your Full Name : ***Address : ***Country : ***Phone number : ***Age : ***Gender : ***Occupation : ***Winning e-mail: REMITTANCE CONTACT: Name : Dr.Shaw Andrey Email : shawandrey@bjpacific.com.cn Phone : (+44) 7045784399 ------------------ Congratulations!!! Mr. Ricardo Cendoya Promo Coordinator. ============================================================ Note: All winnings must be claim not later than 7 days. Late response is not accepted. Misconduct and non-adherence to instructions leads to prize termination. =======================================
1 réponse pour « 
Maintenant arnaque en anglais....on les verra tout
Réponse anonyme
Le 02/11/2012 é 21h02
[ ! ]
J'ai reçu le même ou presque ^^ On est combien à finir 2nd de ce concours auquel on n'a jamais participé ? Mieux vaut en rire... Dear E-mail User, This is to inform you that your email address with MICROS ID JLP-74102-LTYT-861JH-3HE emerge our second place winner of $490,000 plus a brand new Range Rover SUV from the Xiaye Company™ End of year promotion. Please confirm your status by logging to our site below. Website : xiayelectrical.com Username : w12y Password : w27p Regards. Mrs. Miao Li. European Zonal Cordinator©
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Maintenant arnaque en anglais....on les verra tout
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