Brussels, 19th June 2008,
Work Certificate: Mr.XXXXXXXXXX
I, Mr.YYYYY, General Manager of the NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT in Brussels, do hereby attest that Mr. XXXXXXXXXXX is employed at THE NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT in Belgium since the DATE without interruption. Mr. XXXXX's employment contract is an indefinite/defined term contract.
I, Mr.YYYYYYYYYY, herewith certify that the information above is correct and signed on the 19th June 2008 in Brussels, Belgium.
# Work Certificate #
I, undersigned the officer in charge of human resources in (Company), certify that:
Mr, Mrs, Miss: (first and family name)
Born on: (date of birth) Place of birth: ........
Registered under Social security Fund number: N°............
He practice within our Company since: .............. to date, with Open-ended contract.
As a: .......................
Posting: ........................
This attestation should be issued to the insured person at his/her request, to assert their right