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Mon éducation

Question anonyme le 19/02/2019 à 07h18
[ ! ]
Hello. It'is verry important please. My name is Hamza. Currently, I am in Ivory Coast for a post baccalaureat study reason. I just have two years left to graduate engineer in finance. It does not please me to explain all of this in this way but I feel obliged. I know that for you, it's hard to believe but I beg you it's the truth. I am about to stop for a financial deficit. I suffer enormously. I do not have housing, I can not take care of my studies during these two and even eat it is difficult. If I tell you all that, that's why I need your help and I think you can help me. So help me. I arrived on the point that if you can not help me on studies and that I get the ticket to go back to my country, it will be a great service. I need your help please any help. And if you have to do something to benefit from this help, I want to do it. My phone: 00225 58320446 Email: hatom2411@gmail.com Help me please Thank you so much.
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