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Perte code autoradio Renault Megane 2 - Page 4

Question de nigeljauss5122 le 09/11/2011 à 18h25
Dernière réponse le 07/04/2019 à 07h14
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Salut à tous, Je viens de changer ma batterie sur ma Megane 2 et la radio me demande un code. C'est un Cabasse auditorium avec le code de sécurité F2...
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262 réponses pour « 
perte code autoradio Renault Megane 2
Réponse anonyme
Le 01/09/2012 é 15h51
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Hello hay88 :) Voilà ce qui arrive quand on achète un véhicule d'occasion & que le concessionnaire ne donne pas le code antivol de l'autoradio... Batterie changée hier & je me retrouve dans la même galère que tous les internautes de ce forum... :( Après démontage du système audio Cabasse: Code de sécurité=TX971 En vous remerciant par avance... Regards, T2xcrea
Réponse de hay88
Le 02/09/2012 é 00h02
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Hello hay88 :) That's what happens when you buy a used car dealer and that the code does not lock the car ... Changed battery yesterday and I'm in the same boat as all users of this forum ... ( After removing the audio system Cabasse: Security Code = TX971 Thanking you in advance ... Regards, T2xcrea = code 2007
Réponse anonyme
Le 02/09/2012 é 18h30
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Bonjour mon code de securite est le B569 merci
Réponse anonyme
Le 02/09/2012 é 20h14
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Great! It works! Thank so much hay88 ;) Regards, T2xcrea
Réponse de cloud01
Le 02/09/2012 é 21h49
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Bonjour et merci de votre aide d'avance, j ai un Tuner list de 2001 monter sur une clio 2 Le code de sécurité est le j543 Merci
Référence(s) :
Réponse de hay88
Le 02/09/2012 é 22h13
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Hello my security code is the B569 thank you = code 0488 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY THEN PUSH THUMBWHEEL IN AND SOME HAVE {A¬} KEY Turn on the radio and the display will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct first digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct second digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct third digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct fourth digit If the correct code is now shown on screen, press and hold the [ ¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code FOR NO STEERING CONTROL press the first preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit third button for 3rd digit forth button for 4th digit then press and HOLD button 6 to store. for 10 seconds and on some it's hold 5 to store.
Réponse de hay88
Le 02/09/2012 é 22h14
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Hello and thank you for your help in advance, I have a list of 2001 Tuner mounted on a clio 2 The security code is j543 Thank Reference (s): Internet = code 6966 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY THEN PUSH THUMBWHEEL IN AND SOME HAVE {A¬} KEY Turn on the radio and the display will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct first digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct second digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct third digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct fourth digit If the correct code is now shown on screen, press and hold the [ ¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code FOR NO STEERING CONTROL press the first preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit third button for 3rd digit forth button for 4th digit then press and HOLD button 6 to store. for 10 seconds and on some it's hold 5 to store.
Réponse de le Psy
Le 09/09/2012 é 13h43
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Bonjour mon code de securite est le n993 , megane 2 merci
Réponse de Jef000
Le 10/09/2012 é 13h41
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The code 0436 unfortunately did not work and went back to error. Please find below the data I could find on the sticker on the ack of the radio. A42 AL RD1L 21893 eirl 020366 8 200 074 339 --A PN MH9RN01L 03 30 Made in China 54C03235K06-0 I can send you the picture if this can help.
Réponse anonyme
Le 10/09/2012 é 20h04
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Bonjour, les derniers chiffres de mon code sont: TS715, pouvez vous me donner le code de l'autoradio svp? Merci, Chris.
Réponse de hay88
Le 10/09/2012 é 21h41
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Hello, the last digits of my code are: TS715, can you give me the radio code please? Thank you, Chris.= code 7241 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY THEN PUSH IN AND SOME HAVE THUMBWHEEL {A ¬} KEY Turn on the radio and the display will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the proper first digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right second digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right third digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right fourth digit If the correct PIN code is now Shown on screen, press and hold the [¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code FOR NO STEERING CONTROL press the first preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit third button for 3rd digit forth button for 4th digit then press and HOLD button 6 to store. for 10 seconds and it some it's hold 5 to store.
Réponse anonyme
Le 13/09/2012 é 11h47
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Bonjour, changement de batterie sur Megane II code: T051 Merci
Réponse de hay88
Le 13/09/2012 é 12h41
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T051 = code 6978 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY THEN PUSH IN AND SOME HAVE {A ¬} THUMBWHEEL KEY Turn on the radio and the display will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the first digit Press the proper [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right second digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the third digit Press the right [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right fourth digit If the PIN code is now properly Shown on screen, press and hold the [¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code FOR NO STEERING CONTROL press the first preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit third button for 3rd digit forth button for 4th digit then press and HOLD button 6 to store. for 10 seconds and it some it's hold 5 to store
Réponse de Michel7700
Le 20/09/2012 é 18h26
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Bonsoir changement de batterie renault megane 2 le code l137 merci d'avance
Réponse de hay88
Le 20/09/2012 é 21h43
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L137 = code 3763 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY THEN PUSH IN AND SOME HAVE {A ¬} THUMBWHEEL KEY Turn on the radio and the display will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the first digit Press the proper [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right second digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the third digit Press the right [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right fourth digit If the PIN code is now properly Shown on screen, press and hold the [¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code FOR NO STEERING CONTROL press the first preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit third button for 3rd digit forth button for 4th digit then press and HOLD button 6 to store. for 10 seconds and it some it's hold 5 to store
Réponse de pepegilles
Le 30/10/2012 é 15h00
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Hi Hay88 , I have the same problem , my security code is U668 ! Could you help me pepemarcel
Réponse de hay88
Le 30/10/2012 é 17h16
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Hi Hay88 , I have the same problem , my security code is U668 ! Could you help me pepemarcel = code 5381 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY THEN PUSH IN AND SOME HAVE {A ¬} THUMBWHEEL KEY Turn on the radio and the display will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the first digit Press the proper [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right second digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the third digit Press the right [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right fourth digit If the PIN code is now properly Shown on screen, press and hold the [¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code FOR NO STEERING CONTROL press the first preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit third button for 3rd digit forth button for 4th digit then press and HOLD button 6 to store. for 10 seconds and it some it's hold 5 to store
Réponse de klevis57
Le 29/11/2012 é 21h10
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Bonsoir, peux tu m'aider à retrouver mon code sécurité de l'autoradio pour ma megane 2 stp ? j'ai lu sur un autre forum qu'il te faut le code VF je crois, donc le mien est : VF1BM0G0628719560 , dis moi s'il te faut autre chose stp
Réponse de Chris_34400
Le 05/12/2012 é 09h25
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Bonjour, J'ai fais l'achat d'une Megane 2 et je n'ai pas le code autoradio... Serait-il possible de me le comuniquer? Sur l'étiquette j'ai pu lire : 8200256141TE808 Le code de sécurité est E808 je suppose. Merci,
Réponse anonyme
Le 04/01/2013 é 20h33
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Bonjour, j'ai perdu le code de l'autoradio de ma megane 2 de 2008. Le code de securité est U482 Merci
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perte code autoradio Renault Megane 2
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