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Pfe en genie électrique spécialité Automatique

Question de kakashie le 05/12/2011 à 14h09
Dernière réponse le 29/11/2012 à 21h42
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Je suis une éléve ingénieur en génie electique automatique a ENIT , je cherche un stage de pfe industriel,durant 5 mois a partir de fevrier 2012. contacter: arwakakashie@gmail.com
1 réponse pour « 
pfe en genie électrique spécialité Automatique
Réponse anonyme
Le 29/11/2012 é 21h42
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Violetta:just like in any tourist-ridden city, there are hoesnt working people and people that take advantage of situations just because they know they can (never gonna' see them again...).A gondola ride isn't necessarily something to avoid, but rather simply not something to improvise because you see someone with a gondolier hat standing near a romantic bridge you are crossing.From my experience, most water taxi drivers are also decent folk, just like most taxi drivers in Rome, in Naples, in Milan seem hoesnt folk for the majority (I've had some quite pleasant conversations in taxi rides in a country where the overwhelming majority of taxi drivers are still natural born Italians, and usually locals and a possible source of useful [es.: restaurant] information).But I still get asked as I am leaving the train station or airport "taxi fuori/per la citte0?" to which I know to reply simply "no grazie" and wait in the "official" taxi stop's queue or go to the taxi consorzio kiosk, even if it means an extra 10-15 minutes' wait.If it's any different in London or New York or Chicago I am guessing it is more a case of "self-policing" taxi unions (ie: unofficial thuggery), much like happens at Malpensa here, where abusivism is relatively rare compared to other turisty concentration spots.If you aren't paying attention, you become a target, just like in any big (or touristy) city.
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pfe en genie électrique spécialité Automatique
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