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Quick ad placement inquiry on experts-univers.com

Question anonyme le 10/11/2009 à 03h48
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Dear Sir/Ma'am: Greetings! I am looking to place an ad on experts-univers.com, vertically, at the lower right hand side of the site. I am determined I can make you more $ if I am managing your ads, so I would like to start with 1 to earn your trust. I don't want to take up your time so let me cut straight to the skinny on how I operate: 1) We run a 24 hour trial run - this enables me to calculate how much I can payout (including the earnings for the 24 hours the ad ran). It wouldn't be fair if I gave you a flat rate based on Alexa / Quantcast and traffic figures. It all matters on placement, clickability, conversions, and rotation. That's my expertise. 2) Immediately after 24 hours, I check the metrics, inform you what I'm capable of paying out, and if you agree I will prepay you the same day for a week’s worth of traffic (including the day you let me run the trial). 3) After the 7 days is complete, we will then put you on a weekly plan moving forward with the wire / check / PayPal hitting your account the same time, every week. Over the past 4 months I have been placing ads on many types of site and have been able to skyrocket profitability on all variations I've dealt with. You won’t find other ad networks out there as confident as I am, willing to prepay you every single week. On my end, my team will be constantly working on new catchy ads that auto rotate seamlessly in your site, increasing conversions, evaluating performance with the goal of increasing both of our profits, and you won't have to change anything, just sit back and do what you do best. Let me know your thoughts. I'm very flexible. One last note... I know I mentioned the prepaid so many times in this email but I hope you realize the significance. You can spend this $ on advertising, content, and whatever else it takes to make your site unique, without having to wait until the end of the pay period. My ad model has helped many people maintain a cash flow positive business. All the SUCCESS, Francis Calina Marketing Specialist Shine59 LTD
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Quick ad placement inquiry on experts-univers.com
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