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Recherche de partenaires chretiens pour ONG Ma foi en Christ

Question de ONG MFC le 27/10/2010 à 12h00
Dernière réponse le 28/12/2015 à 09h48
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Je suis président de l'ONG Ma Foi en Christ basé en Côte d'Ivoire.Notre vision se porte sur quatre points essentiels à savoir: 1- la création d'un centre d'education et de reéducation à la vie chretienne 2- l'ouverture d'un institut de communication en journalisme et production audiovisuelle 3- apporter une assistance aux personnes victimes de fléaux,pendemies et catastrophes naturels. 4- Organisation de Missions nationales et internationales d'Evangélisation En effet je suis étudiant en fin de cycle en production audiovisuelle et aimerais par cette ONG amener les serviteurs et servantes de Dieu , tout le corps de Christ à s'approprier la formation en communication pour etre plus efficace . Nos domaines d'intervention neccessite que nous ayons des partenaires.Alors nous cherchons des partenaires qui souhaiterais investir dans cette vision. +225 07 239 490 +225 02 832 144
4 réponses pour « 
Recherche de partenaires chretiens pour ONG Ma foi en Christ
Réponse de kingy
Le 16/12/2010 é 12h16
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Je suis le président de L'ONG cœurs unis d'Afrique. Aider les veuves, les orphelins(es) et autres personnes démunies. par la prise en charge de leur frais de scolarisation et d’apprentissage d’un métier.  Promouvoir la formation scolaire et professionnelle des veuves, des orphelins (es) et les personnes démunies.  Inciter la jeunesse à développer l’esprit d’entreprise.  Contribuer à l’amélioration des conditions de vie en particulier des veuves, orphelins et autre personnes démunies du pays et d’ailleurs au renforcement de leur pouvoir et capacités au sein de leurs sociétés avec un accent particulier sur l’approche genre.  Aider à l’amélioration du statu des veuves et à l’acquisition de possibilités plus importantes pour mener à bien leurs rôles de garantes de la sécurité alimentaire.  Promouvoir un forum d’échange d’informations ,de collaboration ou de partenariat entre femmes (veuves ), orphelins (es) et personnes démunies du pays et d’ailleurs, entre veuves personnes démunies, orphelins (es) et organisations d’appuis (ONG, instituts de recherche, centres de formation, et autres organisations de la société civile).  Valoriser l’outil informatique dans les pays pauvres et en Afrique nous cherchons des partenaire .
Réponse de muhemeri@yahoo.fr
Le 06/01/2012 é 13h08
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Nous sommes unre ecole privée agrée resident au congo rt cherchant de bailleurs qui pouront nous aider à continuer la prise rn charge des orphelins
Référence(s) :
RDCongo à bukavu
Réponse anonyme
Le 28/12/2015 é 09h45
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We greet you in Jesus name our lord I’m Pastor, Mucundambega Joseph, from Rwanda Kigali-Centre Africa Funder of <<World Hope Ministries>> in Rwanda, we start to operate in 2013 here in Rwanda we wish you, if is possible we can work to gather. 1: Head office The Head office of the organization is established in the City of Kigali, Kicukiro District. It may be transferred to any other location of the country upon a decision of 2/3 of members of the Pioneers Council. 2: Mission The mission of the organization is to prepare the bride of The Lord Jesus Christ. 3: Objectives The objectives of the organization are: 1. To preach the word of God to people as revealed in the bible using the following means: a) Evangelical crusades, conferences, seminars, weekly worships, chains of prayers, praise and worship and testimonies; b) Films, texts, adverts, c) Books Magazines, Radio, TV, Internet, etc, 2. To teach and integrate the new converts to the bible teaching and prayers to make them mature Christians at the service of the Lord through churches called “World Hope Church (WHC) and other affiliated”. 3. Offer people a framework for social and spiritual fulfillment : missiology centre (train and send), both biblical and theological, leadership, entrepreneurship and socio-economic works of development (mentoring underprivileged children, hospices for old people, hospitals and health centres, schools, facilities for recovery and social integration etc.. 4. To enable people participate actively in their social-economic development, scientific, technological and culture research and within their society through an organization called “Hope Development Agency (HDA). 5. Reconciliatimay lives in harmony through a department called “Justice and Reconciliation”. 6. Preach the Word of God based on the true doctrine in a simpler, understandable way of the gospel of Jesus Christ Son of God and Savior of the World. Strengthen believers through justice and faith for their spiritually grow and maturity in Christ. 7. Correct errors and mistakes that have so far been spread by false teachings. 8. Strive for increased awareness and sensitization on social roles so that each person, from the ordinary citizen to the supreme authority of the country knows that his/her place in society is not an element of chance but it is part of God's wonderful plan to accomplish a specific role in the society. World Hope Ministries: is designed to bring together people from all parts of the spectrum. You can use this site to find partners wherever you fit. Your area of interest may be: Social Entrepreneurship Philanthropy Disaster response Poverty alleviation Advocacy Microcredit Job Creation Guidelines/Best Practice Doing business with the poor Sustainable Development Corporate Social Responsibility Gifts-in-kind Services-in-kind Humanitarian Aid Fair Trade Corporate Volunteering God bless you Pastor, Joseph Mucundambega POBOX: 6467 Kigali Rwanda
Réponse anonyme
Le 28/12/2015 é 09h48
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We greet you in Jesus name our lord I’m Pastor, Mucundambega Joseph, from Rwanda Kigali-Centre Africa Funder of <<World Hope Ministries>> in Rwanda, we start to operate in 2013 here in Rwanda we wish you, if is possible we can work to gather. 1: Head office The Head office of the organization is established in the City of Kigali, Kicukiro District. It may be transferred to any other location of the country upon a decision of 2/3 of members of the Pioneers Council. 2: Mission The mission of the organization is to prepare the bride of The Lord Jesus Christ. 3: Objectives The objectives of the organization are: 1. To preach the word of God to people as revealed in the bible using the following means: a) Evangelical crusades, conferences, seminars, weekly worships, chains of prayers, praise and worship and testimonies; b) Films, texts, adverts, c) Books Magazines, Radio, TV, Internet, etc, 2. To teach and integrate the new converts to the bible teaching and prayers to make them mature Christians at the service of the Lord through churches called “World Hope Church (WHC) and other affiliated”. 3. Offer people a framework for social and spiritual fulfillment : missiology centre (train and send), both biblical and theological, leadership, entrepreneurship and socio-economic works of development (mentoring underprivileged children, hospices for old people, hospitals and health centres, schools, facilities for recovery and social integration etc.. 4. To enable people participate actively in their social-economic development, scientific, technological and culture research and within their society through an organization called “Hope Development Agency (HDA). 5. Reconciliatimay lives in harmony through a department called “Justice and Reconciliation”. 6. Preach the Word of God based on the true doctrine in a simpler, understandable way of the gospel of Jesus Christ Son of God and Savior of the World. Strengthen believers through justice and faith for their spiritually grow and maturity in Christ. 7. Correct errors and mistakes that have so far been spread by false teachings. 8. Strive for increased awareness and sensitization on social roles so that each person, from the ordinary citizen to the supreme authority of the country knows that his/her place in society is not an element of chance but it is part of God's wonderful plan to accomplish a specific role in the society. World Hope Ministries: is designed to bring together people from all parts of the spectrum. You can use this site to find partners wherever you fit. Your area of interest may be: Social Entrepreneurship Philanthropy Disaster response Poverty alleviation Advocacy Microcredit Job Creation Guidelines/Best Practice Doing business with the poor Sustainable Development Corporate Social Responsibility Gifts-in-kind Services-in-kind Humanitarian Aid Fair Trade Corporate Volunteering God bless you Pastor, Joseph Mucundambega POBOX: 6467 Kigali Rwanda mon email: mucundaj@gmail.com & josephmbega@yahoo.com
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Recherche de partenaires chretiens pour ONG Ma foi en Christ
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