Thanks a lot but I think 1256 is the code but for a original radio.
this one is a becker added later, 1256 doesn't work.
the code is 8200137557T0748.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot I think 1256 goal is the goal for a code Original Radio. becker has this one is added later, in 1256 does not work. 8200137557T0748 is the code. Thank you. Emilie =
also 8200137557T0748 = 1256
Code Entry as Follows:
Switch Radio On - Display Shows
" Enter Code Number "
Enter CODE in the order it is read:
For Example, to Enter Code 1234
Press Preset 1 then 2 then 3 then 4
The Code will Enter Itself Automatically
so just press 1256
And If the display continually shows "CODE WAIT" then the unit may be codelocked and will need to be left switched on up for up to two hours to reset before another code entry attempt is possible.
Hello, I buy a car with a becker radio code .. but
serial number 25001171
how to find?
thank you
bastien - if five digit code 42346 or if four digit code 8346
MOI JE CHERCHE LA RAISON pourquoi mon code radio de mon becker cr 20 ne veut plus fonctionner ??? BE 4462w5002069 .. normalement le code est 0172 mais il ne marche pas, quelqu un aurais d autre code pour deblocker ma radio SVP ??????
The code is 0172 Please note that code entry is only possible when "CODE" and four stars are shown in the display. If the display continually shows "WAIT" then the unit may be codelocked and will need to be left switched on up for up to two hours to reset before another code entry attempt is possible.
Oui j ai essayer et quand les 4etoiles apparaît je rentre le code 0172 et les quatre étoile réapparaisse et après trois essaie ça l indique wait... Il doit y avoir un autre code existant ??
Nous avons acheté une mercedes récemment et aimerions s'il vous plait avoir le code de l'autoradio
Le modèle est Be4103 et le numéro de série 18120518.
Merci déjà à l'avance de votre soutien