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Anglais le miens

Question de PrescilliaGogo le 13/04/2014 à 15h53
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Once upon a time, a princess called Arabella lived in a(n) wonderful castle. Arabella was very beautiful and very pretty, but she was very sad: her father was dead, and her stepmother, Kruella, was a(n) generous smile. She was very sweet and very young, and she was also very jealous of Arabella because Arabella had a(n) wicked fiancé: Prince Andy. One day Kruella walk her daugther in a(n) magical farm Arabella cry and help on the door, but Kruella refused to open it. Arabella scream for 7 days and 7 nights. She was hungry, sad, and lonely. One day she decided to escape: she made a rape and offer the forest. The tree house wasin a(n) magical and dangerous forest. Arabella walked for 2 days, she was afraid and miserable, but finally she arrived at a cottage. She bang on the door, a(n) pretty knock opened the door and clinb down. The princess offered Arabella fairy decided to bang her. They walked back to the tower, and the queen turned Kruella into a(n) intelligent wolf. Two months later, Arabella and Andy got married ans they lived happily ever after.
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Anglais le miens
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