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Question anonyme le 14/04/2012 à 15h48
Dernière réponse le 05/01/2017 à 10h27
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Suite au changement de la batterie de mon scenic 2 la radio ne marche plus et on demande d'entrer le code que j'ai perdu . A L'AIDE N° de serie de la voiture: VF1JMSF0540477250 Matricule: 661 DEV 59
107 réponses pour « 
Réponse de Tachin
Le 14/04/2012 é 16h13
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Il est d'habitude noté au crayon sur le mode d'emploi dans votre boite à gants. Sinon rdv dans un garage Renault.
Réponse de hay88
Le 24/04/2012 é 02h14
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You need to remove the radio. they are too small holes each side of the radio use an old metal coat hanger 4 darts or very small screwdriver or long nails. put into holes about 4-5cms and push outwards sideways and carefully pull radio forward. you must do the holes on each side at the same time Then post the numbers/letters from below the main barcode something like 7700xxxxxxtt123 or 8200xxxxtt123 or the security code like Q123 or T0U123 can be found in a small box then i can help you off of the radio
Réponse de boulahmed
Le 09/06/2012 é 16h10
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Mon poste porte le n° 8200444069T C265-security Tank You
Réponse de hay88
Le 09/06/2012 é 16h12
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C265-security = code 1790 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY THEN PUSH THUMBWHEEL IN AND SOME HAVE {A¬} KEY Turn on the radio and the display will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct first digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct second digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct third digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct fourth digit If the correct code is now shown on screen, press and hold the [ ¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code FOR NO STEERING CONTROL press the first preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit third button for 3rd digit forth button for 4th digit then press and HOLD button 6 to store. for 10 seconds and on some it's hold 5 to store.
Réponse de Nonovice
Le 18/07/2012 é 13h10
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Bonjour, je suis extrêmement énervé contre l'enseigne AUTOBACS à Rosny-sous-bois, j'ai fais changer ma batterie de mon Scénic II hier, non seulement ils ont mis 1h30 pour effectuer l'opération, mais mon autoradio Renault me demande mon code sécurité. je leurs ai téléphoné et ils déclinent toutes responsabilités pour ce problème. ils ne m'ont même pas averti que ce souci pouvait arriver ! INCOMPÉTENT ! Bref, ma voiture est une voiture de seconde main, sans carnet ! donc pas de code de déblocage ! Pourriez-vous me dire le code de déblocage en sachant que le code sécurité noté sur le flanc de l'autoradio est Q288 ! Merci par avance de votre aide et de votre sauvetage. Galère pour l'été qui s'annonce sans radio ! Eric English for the English speaking angel Hello, I am extremely upset against the sign Autobacs in Rosny-sous-Bois, I am changing my battery on my Scenic II yesterday, they not only have 1:30 to complete the transaction, but my car radio Renault asks me security code. I phoned their and they disclaim liability for this problem. they do not even warned me that this concern could happen! Incompetent! In short, my car is a second hand car, no book! So no unlock code! Could you tell me the unlock code, knowing that the security code written on the side of the unit is Q288! Thank you in advance for your help and your rescue. Galley for the summer that promises no radio! Eric
Réponse de hay88
Le 18/07/2012 é 15h31
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Q288 = code 9705 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY THEN PUSH IN AND SOME HAVE thumbwheel {¬ A} KEY Turn on the radio and the display Will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right first digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right second digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the Correct Third-digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right fourth digit If the correct PIN code is now Shown on screen, press and hold the [¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code FOR NO STEERING CONTROL first press the preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit 3rd digit button for Third- forth button for 4th digit and then press HOLD button to store 6. for 10 seconds and it's Hold On Some 5 to store.
Réponse anonyme
Le 22/07/2012 é 10h37
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Hi, the autoradio number is 82003TD810 Model BE 7409 N° serie : 45008988 Thanks to help me ;)
Réponse de hay88
Le 22/07/2012 é 14h55
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Hi, the car number is 82003TD810 BE Model 7409 Series No.: 45008988 Thanks to help me ;) = code 3163 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY AND THEN PUSH IN SOME HAVE thumbwheel {¬ A} KEY Turn on the radio and the display Will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right first digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right second digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the Correct Third-digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right fourth digit If the proper PIN code is now Shown on screen, press and hold the [¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code NO STEERING CONTROL FOR the first press preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit 3rd digit button for Third-forth button for 4th digit and then press HOLD button to store 6. for 10 seconds and it's Hold On Some 5 to store.
Réponse de Nonovice
Le 23/07/2012 é 10h42
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Grand Merci à notre ange anglais, qui veille sur nous ! je suis l'homme à la mauvaise expérience chez AUTOBACS à Rosny. Merci encore Many thanks to our English angel, watching over us! I am the man with the bad experience at Autobacs in Rosny. thank you again
Réponse anonyme
Le 23/07/2012 é 11h06
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A lot of thanks to you ! It's a pleasure to see people who accept to help us. One more time, THANKS !
Réponse anonyme
Le 23/07/2012 é 18h23
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Hi, could you help me? The car number is 8200484428TE500, model BE 7435 Thank you.
Réponse de hay88
Le 23/07/2012 é 18h26
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8200484428TE500 = code 3451 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY AND THEN PUSH IN SOME HAVE thumbwheel {¬ A} KEY Turn on the radio and the display Will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right first digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right second digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the Correct Third-digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right fourth digit If the proper PIN code is now Shown on screen, press and hold the [¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code NO STEERING CONTROL FOR the first press preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit 3rd digit button for Third-forth button for 4th digit and then press HOLD button to store 6. for 10 seconds and it's Hold On Some 5 to store.
Réponse anonyme
Le 23/07/2012 é 19h17
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Thank you for your help. Now i can use my radio.
Réponse anonyme
Le 23/07/2012 é 23h11
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Bonsoir je souhaiterai avoir mon code radio voici ce qui est marquer a coter de lautoradio code security M108 merci encore
Réponse de miss803
Le 23/07/2012 é 23h24
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Bonsoir je souhaiterai avoir mon code radio voici ce qui est marquer a coter de lautoradio code security M108 merci encore
Réponse de hay88
Le 24/07/2012 é 07h32
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Good evening I would like to have my radio code here which is a mark of lautoradio quoting security code M108 = code 1730 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY AND THEN PUSH IN SOME HAVE thumbwheel {¬ A} KEY Turn on the radio and the display Will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right first digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right second digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the Correct Third-digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right fourth digit If the proper PIN code is now Shown on screen, press and hold the [¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code NO STEERING CONTROL FOR the first press preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit 3rd digit button for Third-forth button for 4th digit and then press HOLD button to store 6. for 10 seconds and it's Hold On Some 5 to store.
Réponse de vincent05
Le 26/07/2012 é 21h11
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Bonjour, pouvez vous m'aider pour mon autoradio ??? security code D398 Merci d'avance !!!
Réponse de hay88
Le 26/07/2012 é 23h23
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Vincent05 code 2871 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY AND THEN PUSH IN SOME HAVE thumbwheel {¬ A} KEY Turn on the radio and the display Will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right first digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right second digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the Correct Third-digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right fourth digit If the proper PIN code is now Shown on screen, press and hold the [¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code NO STEERING CONTROL FOR the first press preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit 3rd digit button for Third-forth button for 4th digit and then press HOLD button to store 6. for 10 seconds and it's Hold On Some 5 to store.
Réponse anonyme
Le 05/08/2012 é 13h56
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Réponse de hay88
Le 05/08/2012 é 13h58
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MY PRECODE IS M052 FOR SCENIC II = code 1940 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY AND THEN PUSH IN SOME HAVE thumbwheel {¬ A} KEY Turn on the radio and the display Will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right first digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right second digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the Correct Third-digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the right fourth digit If the proper PIN code is now Shown on screen, press and hold the [¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code NO STEERING CONTROL FOR the first press preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit 3rd digit button for Third-forth button for 4th digit and then press HOLD button to store 6. for 10 seconds and it's Hold On Some 5 to store.
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