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Confirmation that i am a DVLOTTERY 2011 WINNER

Question de nzerrougui le 04/02/2011 à 15h46
Dernière réponse le 30/03/2013 à 19h10
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I have received from the USAFIS Organisation that i have been selected for the the United States Permanent Resident Card(or Green Card) Thursday 3rd of February 2011 07:08:34 AM as a WINNER.But i have to pay the Processing Fees of $874 to get my confirmation number.Should i trust this organisation and pay the fees.And if possible is it possible to verify that i am a winner of the 2011 DVLOTTERY. Thank you for your help. yous sincerly noureddine zerrougui nzerrougui@yahoo.fr
10 réponses pour « 
confirmation that i am a DVLOTTERY 2011 WINNER
Réponse anonyme
Le 04/02/2011 é 19h58
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No ! I think you should not trust them. They should not ask for a fee I think ! perhaps you can look at the links you will find there : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_Immigrant_Visa (end of the page) and see if you can find somewhere the name's list of people who won ?
Réponse anonyme
Le 11/02/2011 é 10h25
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I equally recieved this similar message from the USAFIS.org notifying me of being a winner of the 2011 green card, and all my registration refferences were given , presently i am sitting on a fence. i look forward for your comments Andrew Ekane masango andymasango@yahoo.com
Réponse de rach_01
Le 26/02/2011 é 20h37
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Hello iam malki rachid and Received a letter from usafis.org in 25/02/2011 and i want to know if i won this visa or not yet.please this is my mail :kraft_115@hotmail.com
Référence(s) :
malki rachid-berkane_ maroc_
Réponse anonyme
Le 09/04/2011 é 01h18
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I received the same mail yesteday 7 April 2011. it says , i'm a winner but i must pay fees $880, paybale only in England by western union. why i pa in England. why not in my country or at the embassy of US, in my country? And where can i see if i'm really a winner of Green card? Please answer me : mustang27dz@hotmail.com
Réponse de nazzan
Le 22/04/2011 é 15h10
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I have received the same message from usafis.org but thy have not asked that i must pay ,,,,,this is the reel message We wish to notify you that you have been selected as one of the Diversity Visa (DV) Program winner for receiving a United States Permanent Resident Card. It is also known as the Green Card Lottery. The lottery has been administered on an annual basis by the Department of State and conducted under the terms of Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Section 131 of the Immigration Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-649) amended INA 203 to provide for a new class of immigrants known as "diversity immigrants" (DV immigrants). As part of the agreement we will issue A FREE Airline ticket from your country to the USA to claim your Green Card under the American Green Card Lottery Program. The ticket will be sent via post mail at your address registered with us once your visa will be remitted by the U.S department of State. The U.S Department of State will should contact you soon with visa processing information and how to proceed further. If you have any question regarding the visa please wait for the U.S Department of State to contact you as we do not have any competency to discuss further details with you. What should you do now ? Wait for the U.S Department of State to contact you and give you the information about visa processing and how to proceed further . Best regards, Costumer Service Team The USAFIS Organization ,,,,,you see that it gives any payement;;;;
Référence(s) :
my name is nazim
Réponse anonyme
Le 20/05/2011 é 23h31
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I received the same mail today 20 may, 2011. it says , i'm a winner but i must pay fees $880, paying by western union. i wanna confirm if i'm really a winner of Green card? Please answer me : lh.completion@gmail.com
Réponse de momwiom
Le 22/07/2011 é 13h51
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I received a mail 16 july 2011,saying that im winner.th mail is from U.S depatement of state.i have to send $819 to an agent in the usa embassy in United Kingdom Name : Ian Cunningham Address: 24 Grosvenor Square London, W1A 1AE United Kingdom what shoud i do now?
Réponse anonyme
Le 06/12/2011 é 06h10
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I advise you not to send this sum of money anywhere because your money will be simply robbed and you will never ever gety payed even if you give a phone call they just tell you that if you have really won we would have called you and we will made you an offer for one year ;beleive i was tricked and until now i kept the receip of the transaction i did by western union so i'm a living witness of this robbery of usafis in a broad daylight .thanks but remember you watch out for next time
Réponse de princeseul88
Le 25/09/2012 é 17h49
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NEVER , don't trust them, they all are robbers!!!!!!!!!!
Réponse de la fée secrete
Le 30/03/2013 é 19h10
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Traduction en francais. SVP
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confirmation that i am a DVLOTTERY 2011 WINNER
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