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Do priciplas have the right to suspend studens.

Question de nervillefrunwi le 08/01/2012 à 19h32
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Hello my name is awah nerville frunwi i was a student in eniegt of mbengwi i had appeard twis at the diciplinary council and the pricipal by name wabog tomas said my case was not a case for the school to handle that he was to sead my name to the minister of secondary education for a dicision to be taken i waited for 2months while calsess were ghoing on and i mised my first and secorn seqents tess so that meet me inconvineint untill i had to live theschool so is it right for the pricipal to take such a dicition sir.the the 2 question is while should it be only eneigt of mbengwi thats is uplarge to wear unifoms an not others. thanks for this graet oppotiunity you have given to this site to sumite there problems.
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do priciplas have the right to suspend studens.
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