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Job appliants

Question de Campussud le 16/12/2010 à 08h02
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Welcome to Dubai Jobs Exploring the best employment opportunities and jobs in Dubai and the UAE As an employment network with direct contact to thousands of employers in the United Arab Emirates. We have brought employees and employers together with our employment services in fields such as Engineering, Information Technology, Finance, Accounting, Construction, Hospitality, Healthcare, Administration, Management Sales & Marketing and many more... We do all the work for you! An open door into the unadvertised job market Please read details about our service Since 1994 our service has helped many professionals, semi professionals, skilled and semi skilled workers establish jobs in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait. Dubai Jobs is an online job exploration website that provides complete employment opportunities to help serious job seekers find jobs in Dubai Dubai jobs is one of the largest and most comprehensive employment sites with extensive job listings and online employment services which include a 'harvest trail' of employment opportunities in the UAE Get on the right track! Find that perfect job with UAE & Dubai Job Consulting services today and you could be on your way to a new career tomorrow! We know each job seeker's circumstance is unique that’s why we offer a priority service to suit your needs and get results. We match recommended and forwarded the resume directly to employers in Dubai Dubai Jobs database is considered to be one of the most extensive in the industry, and is constantly updated with new positions in most professions. Job seekers' applications are selected through our manual selection process, (we choose a manual selection as most automated systems overlook important personal information) then chosen applications are recommended to employers in the United Arab Emirates within 24hrs Need answers to your questions about job descriptions, salaries and other details concerning jobs in Dubai and all other employment opportunities, please email us? We look forward to working with you; please feel free to contact us by email. Apply now job.dubai@yahoo.com We welcome all International candidates, we would be happy to help you. Please send us an email if you are looking for a career or Jobs in Dubai As an industry leader our service is equal to none! With over nine years of experience in the employment Industry we have helped hundreds of job seekers find employment in the Middle East. Dr. Khalid, binskhalid@yahoo.com
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