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Licencié pour avoir témoigné à France 3

Question de ninioetninia le 16/01/2012 à 19h12
Dernière réponse le 17/12/2019 à 13h30
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Bonjour, peut on etre licencié pour avoir fait un témoignage à France 3 sur l'hospital (lieu de travail) d'avance merci.
4 réponses pour « 
licencié pour avoir témoigné à France 3
Réponse de Secateur
Le 16/01/2012 é 20h09
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Bonjour Ca se discute, mais grosso-modo: oui Si vous dites en public des choses qui nuisent a votre employeur (internet, tele, radio, conference, journal...), l'employeur peut vous virer pour faute grave. Si votre temoignage ne nuisait pas a votre employeur, vous pouvez contester et aller au prud'hommes.
Réponse anonyme
Le 17/01/2012 é 12h18
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Bonjour, j'ai poster ma question hier avant de m'inscrire. je vous remercie pour votre reponse
Réponse de Secateur
Le 17/01/2012 é 17h58
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De rien, j'espere que vous serez en mesure de regler ca ou bien trouver un autre job.
Réponse anonyme
Le 17/12/2019 é 13h30
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Good morning My name is Sergey and I am a founder of Sweaty Quid Freelancer Market place where you can easily purchase and sell all types of on-line solutions varying from back links and guest post to explainer video clips, infographics and articles for your business website experts-univers.com. I strongly believe that you and your website can really benefit from Sweaty Quid, no matter if you wish to provide your services or hire freelancers to help you to grow your company. I have been a freelancer on various market places for in excess of 5 years and have had my accounts arbitrarily shut down, my incomes misappropriated and I just simply had a hard time with many poor quality freelancers. After much unnecessary aggravation, I decided to launch my very own freelance marketplace that would do things differently and much better. After almost one year of caffeinne powered nights, myself and my team at Creative Bear Tech have built up Sweaty Quid from ground up. One month into our release we have managed to bring in a really good number of outstanding quality freelancers and an incredibly high number of repeat customers. I strongly believe this serves as a confirmation to our success. Sweaty Quid is a spam-free and transparent market place for quality freelancers and buyers. We are rigorously banning all spammy sellers who do not pass our quality threshold and leave only the very best ones. Keeping up with the current technologcal transformations, we also accept cryptocurrency as one of our payment methods. Our ethos that defines us is that sometimes less is more, specifically when it comes to quality freelancers. We are still very new in contrast to other freelance marketplaces, but we are already punching above our weight. I would like to welcome you and experts-univers.com personally to register with Sweaty Quid Freelancer Market Place! Kind regards Sergey Greenfields Founder of Sweaty Quid Freelancer Marketplace Flat 9, 1 Jardine Rd, St Katharine's & Wapping, London E1W 3WD, United Kingdom +447463563696 https://www.sweatyquid.com
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  • Du respect et de la politesse envers les autres
  • Un style rédactionnel clair, une orthographe soignée
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licencié pour avoir témoigné à France 3
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