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Pourquoi jadot kakule est parmis les millionnaire du monde?

Question de jkm le 13/04/2012 à 10h32
Dernière réponse le 26/06/2012 à 10h44
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Pourquoi monsieur kakule jadot sera bientot afficher dans la liste de millionnaire du congo et dans le monde ??parceque il a une petite entreprise appelent JADOT KKM qui es a chine tandisque il se fait emploiyer au congo kinshasa !pourquoi cette camunflage??????
3 réponses pour « 
pourquoi jadot kakule est parmis les millionnaire du monde?
Réponse anonyme
Le 25/05/2012 é 10h46
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Des informations a notre possession que CITI BANK demande l'autorisation a monsieur JADOT KAKULE actuellement a kinshasa d'organiser une fete a l'occasion de son premiere anniversaire
Réponse anonyme
Le 25/05/2012 é 10h57
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Je connais le monsieur a GOMA au nom de JADOT KAKULE il avait fait ses etudes au college MWANGA et il pour le moment a KINSHASA ,c'est un homme trop secret ,simple envers tout les mondes .je le respect bcp courage mon grand
Réponse anonyme
Le 26/06/2012 é 10h44
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JUSTIN MUSANGANYA KALAMO ZAI Real estate services $75,021 9KIN-200280 MONUC PALME D'OR SARL ZAI Real estate services $36,000 9KIN-200234 MONUC TOLINKI (TOLERIE INDUSTRIELLE DU KIVU) ZAI Real estate services $52,800 9KIN-200121 MONUC Tsehay Bogale ETH Real estate services $48,000 9MEE-200011 (2) UNMEE TSONGO KASEREKA ZAI Real estate services $60,000 9KIN-200235 MONUC November 2011 Vendor Cntry Description Value PO No. Ref. No. C.F.E (EX-ALCATEL) ZAI Real estate services $144,000 9KIN-200238 MONUC TUGBEH N. DOE LIR Real estate services $49,200 9MIL-200041 (1) UNMIL October 2011 Vendor Cntry Description Value PO No. Ref. No. CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY UGA Real estate services $201,055 9KIN-200033 (2) MONUC F.G.WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. UK Real estate services $49,029 9MIT-200046 UNMIT GIBAS CEMENT ET MARBRE MOR Real estate services $144,000 9MIN-200068 MINURSO HALABI,SALIM M. LIR Real estate services $31,375 9MIL-200039 (1) UNMIL MME JEANNE NIKUZE ZAI Real estate services $31,200 9KIN-200152 MONUC MR. VICTOR NGEZAYO ZAI Real estate services $48,501 9KIN-200335 MONUC SUDAN ACADEMY FOR COMMUNICATION SCIENCE SUD Real estate services $287,046 MIS0-196 UNMIS SUNDIAL TRADING COMPANY INC. USA Real estate services $67,500 9MIL-200169 UNMIL September 2011 Vendor Cntry Description Value PO No. Ref. No. AGENCE MARITIME INTERNATIONALE DU CONGO " AMICONGO" ZAI Real estate services $30,000 9KIN-200143 MONUC ASSOCIATION DES SOEURS DE MARIE D'INGELMUNSTER DE FARIALA ASBL ZAI Real estate services $60,000 9KIN-200199 MONUC BERTRAND BISENGIMANA MUYANGO ZAI Real estate services $39,067 9KIN-200211 MONUC DENIS BISHOGO ZAI Real estate services $48,000 9KIN-200200 MONUC Kangaroo Shoe Factory ETH Real estate services $70,000 9MEE-200087 UNMEE LEFORT JEAN LOUIS HAI Real estate services $72,000 9HSA-200260 MINUSTAH MIDEMA (MINOTERIE DE MATADI S.A.R.L) ZAI Real estate services $42,000 9KIN-200233 MONUC Mme Beniakrou Eugénie Chantal IVC Real estate services $90,775 9OCI-300189 ONUCI MR. VICTOR NGEZAYO ZAI Real estate services $92,400 9KIN-200188 MONUC OFFICE DES ROUTES;DIRTECTION PROVINCIALE -SUD KIVU ZAI Real estate services $63,000 9KIN-200144 (1) MONUC TAMBAKIS & FRERES ZAI Real estate services $42,000 9KIN-200201 MONUC August 2011 Vendor Cntry Description Value PO No. Ref. No. A.KUYUNGU KATWAMBA (Mr.) ZAI Real estate services $48,000 9KIN-200147 MONUC ADDIS EXPORTER LIMITED ETH Real estate services $75,000 9MEE-200043 (1) UNMEE ADIGRAT MUNICIPALITY ETH Real estate services $41,161 9MEE-200052 (1) UNMEE AGENCE FRANCAISE DE DEVELOPPEMENT "AFD" FRA Real estate services $120,000 9KIN-200031 MONUC ANDRE MOISE HAI Real estate services $31,800 9HSA-200170 MINUSTAH ASMARA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ERI Real estate services $64,200 9MEE-200017 (1) UNMEE ATLANTIC TELE-NETWORK S.A. HAI Real estate services $62,448 9HSA-200242 MINUSTAH BANQUE COMMERCIALE DU CONGO ''BCDC'' ZAI Real estate services $234,000 9KIN-200028 MONUC BANQUE COMMERCIALE DU CONGO ''BCDC'' ZAI Real estate services $94,500 9KIN-200074 MONUC CAPITOL S.A. HAI Real estate services $66,000 9HSA-200251 MINUSTAH CENTRAL FISCAL AUTHORITY, KOSOVO CONSOLIDATED FUND SRB Real estate services $55,988 9MIK-900039 UNMIK CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY UGA Real estate services $83,046 9KIN-200033 MONUC COMITE DE PROTECTION DES PARCELLES DE LA POPULATION ET LEURS BIENS ZAI Real estate services $33,120 9KIN-200124 MONUC Corail S.A. HAI Real estate services $312,000 9HSA-200212 MINUSTAH DEVOTRA P.L.C ERI Real estate services $58,080 9MEE-200019 (1) UNMEE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF KHARTOUM STATE CLEANING PROJECT SUD Real estate services $66,667 MIS0-20 UNMIS DOMAINE DE KATALE ZAI Real estate services $72,000 9KIN-200154 MONUC DR VINCENT BIRUTA RWA Real estate services $42,480 9KIN-200110 MONUC FNMA ZAI Real estate services $114,000 9KIN-200044 MONUC Gasser Al Diafa Hotel SUD Real estate services $88,200 MIS0-27 UNMIS GHANDOUR INDUSTRIE CONGO R.D.C ZAI Real estate services $420,000 9KIN-200032 MONUC HOUSING AND COMMERCE BANK OF ERITREA ERI Real estate services $360,700 9MEE-200014 (1) UNMEE INCAL S.C.A.R.L ZAI Real estate services $40,000 9KIN-200030 MONUC JEAN PIERRE DELVA HAI Real estate services $66,000 9HSA-200156 MINUSTAH LA SOCIETE LIME HOUSE PROPERTIES S.A ZAI Real estate services $46,656 9KIN-200093 MONUC La Succession Habou Coulibaly ZAI Real estate services $56,939 9KIN-200145 MONUC LE DIOCESE DE GOMA ZAI Real estate services $66,000 9KIN-200156 MONUC LES ENTREPRISES MATERIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION TEBO S.A. HAI Real estate services $99,600 9HSA-200258 MINUSTAH LES ENTREPRISES ANTOINE S.A. HAI Real estate services $120,000 9HSA-200248 MINUSTAH M. ANTHONY SAIEH HAI Real estate services $40,974 9HSA-200162 MINUSTAH Margarett Osselyn Abraham HAI Real estate services $43,200 9HSA-200195 MINUSTAH MASNER BEAUPLAN USA Real estate services $78,000 9HSA-200191 MINUSTAH MAX MÉTAYER GNL CONTACTOR HAI Real estate services $48,000 9HSA-200152 MINUSTAH MINISTRY OF INTERIOR: REPUBLIC OF SUD SUD Real estate services $382,514 MIS0-47 UNMIS MOHAMED & SAYED ABDELGADIR ELKHABIR SUD Real estate services $49,384 MIS0-93 UNMIS MR MUTOMBO BANZABANA LOBO ZAI Real estate services $48,000 9KIN-200107 MONUC MR. ALBERT PRIGOGINE ZAI Real estate services $300,000 9KIN-200157 MONUC MR. ANTOINE MUSANGANYA LUBONGERA ZAI Real estate services $96,000 9KIN-200178 MONUC MR JADOT KAKULE M ZAI Real estate services $81,600 9KIN-200120 MONUC Mr. Tshiaba Mudikolele Elie (Lessor) ZAI Real estate services $33,600 9KIN-200034 MONUC MR. VICTOR NGEZAYO ZAI Real estate services $30,000 9KIN-200181 MONUC NADIA R. C. MENELAS HAI Real estate services $96,000 9HSA-200230 MINUSTAH NYLL CALIXTE HAI Real estate services $32,400 9HSA-200143 MINUSTAH ONATRA ZAI Real estate services $60,000 9KIN-200094 MONUC RENE PROSPER HAI Real estate services $42,000 9HSA-200240 MINUSTAH RENE ST. VICTOR USA Real estate services $48,000 9HSA-200157 MINUSTAH ROMEO VITIELLO HAI Real estate services $50,400 9HSA-200185 MINUSTAH ROOSEVELT JACOB CHEMALY HAI Real estate services $72,000 9HSA-200160 MINUSTAH SCI ROBERTSON IVC Real estate services $756,813 9OCI-300012 ONUCI SDV-AGETRAF ZAI Real estate services $192,000 9KIN-200113 MONUC SHODECOSA HAI Real estate services $84,000 9HSA-200227 MINUSTAH Societe Generale de Banque HAI Real estate services $120,000 9HSA-200241 MINUSTAH T.M.K SOCIETE DE TRANSPORT ET MESSAGERIES AU KIVU S.P.R.L ZAI Real estate services $30,000 9KIN-200171 MONUC TAMIMI GLOBAL COMPANY LTD (TAFGA) SAU Real estate services $2,021,170 8AMI-200311 UNAMI THE PAN AFRICAN REAL ESTATE CORP. (PAREC) LIR Real estate services $916,663 9MIL-200038 (1) UNMIL Tsehay Bogale ETH Real estate services $120,000 9MEE-200011 (1) UNMEE UNION IMMOBILIERE DU CONGO "UIC" ZAI Real estate services $450,600 9KIN-200114 MONUC WILLIAM PHIPPS HAI Real estate services $48,000 9HSA-200205 MINUSTAH YVES GERMAIN HAI Real estate services $48,000 9HSA-200164 MINUSTAH July 2011 Vendor Cntry Description Value PO No. Ref. No. ADAMASHVILI VARLAM GEO Real estate services $84,120 MIG9-200028 UNOMIG Agence Abidjanaise de Gestion IVC Real estate services $43,146 9OCI-300011 ONUCI CAPITAL IMMOBILIER S. A. HAI Real estate services $108,000 9HSA-200130 MINUSTAH CLAUDE APAID HAI Real estate services $190,800 9HSA-200083 MINUSTAH COLAS IVC Real estate services $719,099 9OCI-300010 ONUCI Commune de Bouaké IVC Real estate services $43,146 9OCI-300015 ONUCI Dr. Shadia Mohammed El-Dirdiri SUD Real estate services $52,500 MIS0-36 UNMIS EDOUARD MOSCOSSO HAI Real estate services $36,000 9HSA-200150 MINUSTAH ENTREPRISE DE CONSTRUCTION ELECTRO-MECANIQUE S.A. (ECEM S. A.) HAI Real estate services $276,000 9HSA-200123 MINUSTAH ENTREPRISES GABEL HAI Real estate services $36,000 9HSA-200076 MINUSTAH ERNESTA MARTINO CAPRIO USA Real estate services $57,600 9HSA-200082 MINUSTAH EVECHE DE YAMOUSSOUKRO IVC Real estate services $129,438 9OCI-300018 ONUCI Food for the Poor HAI Real estate services $48,000 9HSA-200102 MINUSTAH Garthe Cardozo Stephenson HAI Real estate services $42,000 9HSA-200074 MINUSTAH GEORGE RAHEB LIR Real estate services $102,000 9MIL-200035 UNMIL GERARD DESIR HAI Real estate services $1,140,000 9HSA-200108 MINUSTAH HOUSING AND COMMERCE BANK OF ERITREA ERI Real estate services $72,140 9MEE-200014 UNMEE ICSA IVC Real estate services $900,000 9OCI-300008 ONUCI INSTITUTE OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINNERING MCD Real estate services $63,000 9MIK-900013 UNMIK IPS-CNPS IVC Real estate services $138,067 9OCI-300017 ONUCI IPS-CNPS IVC Real estate services $32,782 9OCI-300022 ONUCI JEAN FENIO DICETTE USA Real estate services $72,000 9HSA-200105 MINUSTAH M. Gerhard PALME et Mme Antonine CORALLO FRA Real estate services $71,906 9OCI-300005 ONUCI Meroueh Reda IVC Real estate services $210,552 9OCI-300013 ONUCI MILJANE BATALLI SRB Real estate services $41,509 9MIK-900016 UNMIK MONSIEUR DIABY INZA IVC Real estate services $86,292 9OCI-300016 ONUCI MR. TONY T. HAGE LIR Real estate services $69,000 9MIL-200018 UNMIL Northern Territory of Australia AUL Real estate services $116,172 9MIT-200001 UNMIT Pancrop Commercial CO. Ltd SUD Real estate services $889,907 MIS0-32 UNMIS Pancrop Commercial CO. Ltd SUD Real estate services $697,150 MIS0-33 UNMIS Rachel B. Madhere HAI Real estate services $156,000 9HSA-200125 MINUSTAH RONALD DELATOUR HAI Real estate services $120,000 9HSA-200127 MINUSTAH SCI DE LA RIVIERA IVC Real estate services $359,549 9OCI-300001 ONUCI SCI LA PALME IVC Real estate services $51,775 9OCI-300014 ONUCI SOCIETE CIVIL IMMOBILIERE "AVENIR" IVC Real estate services $808,986 9OCI-300004 ONUCI SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE THANRY IVC Real estate services $43,146 9OCI-300027 ONUCI SOCIETE USINE-A-MANTEQUE S. A. HAI Real estate services $77,760 9HSA-200034 MINUSTAH SOCOPAG IVC Real estate services $480,358 9OCI-300009 ONUCI SONARECI - Agence Comptable des Creances Contentieuses IVC Real estate services $1,006,738 9OCI-300007 ONUCI THE CABINET OF MINISTERS OF ABKHAZIA GEO Real estate services $46,080 MIG9-200003 UNOMIG THE PAN AFRICAN REAL ESTATE CORP. (PAREC) LIR Real estate services $83,333 9MIL-200038 UNMIL Tony Boutros Bouassi HAI Real estate services $180,000 9HSA-200126 MINUSTAH TOURGOSTINITSA AITAR GEO Real estate services $175,737 MIG9-200002 UNOMIG ZUGDIDI FOOD STOCK COMPANY GEO Real estate services $55,200 MIG9-200027 UNOMIG June 2011 Vendor Cntry Description Value PO No. Ref. No. Agence Abidjanaise de Gestion IVC Real estate services $128,029 8OCI-300681 ONUCI AHMAD AWAD ABD AL-HALIM AL-HUSSEIN JOR Real estate services $100,000 8AMI-200001 (1) UNAMI CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY UGA Real estate services $96,887 8KIN-200045 (2) MONUC GIBAS CEMENT ET MARBRE MOR Real estate services $72,000 8MIN-200298 MINURSO IPS-CNPS IVC Real estate services $48,114 8OCI-300682 ONUCI SCI ROBERTSON IVC Real estate services $63,068 8OCI-300587 ONUCI SDV-AGETRAF ZAI Real estate services $160,000 8KIN-200148 (1) MONUC May 2011 Vendor Cntry Description Value PO No. Ref. No. ASSOCIATION DES SOEURS DE MARIE D'INGELMUNSTER DE FARIALA ASBL ZAI Real estate services $30,000 8KIN-200061 (1) MONUC GOLDEN ROCK SAL* LEB Real estate services $138,000 9RSG-200008 OPRSG MOHAMMAD SAFDAR FEROZYAR AFG Real estate services $81,000 AMA9-33 (1) UNAMA UNOPS AFGHANISTAN AFG Real estate services $45,000 AMA9-92 (1) UNAMA March 2011 Vendor Cntry Description Value PO No. Ref. No. C.F.E (EX-ALCATEL) ZAI Real estate services $72,000 8KIN-200611 MONUC EVECHE DE YAMOUSSOUKRO IVC Real estate services $154,986 8OCI-300110 ONUCI Gasser Al Diafa Hotel SUD Real estate services $101,888 MIS0-694 UNMIS GEORGE RAHEB LIR Real estate services $38,250 8MIL-200445 UNMIL LE DIOCESE DE GOMA ZAI Real estate services $49,500 8KIN-200101 (1) MONUC SCI ROBERTSON IVC Real estate services $168,000 8OCI-300438 ONUCI JADOT KAKULE M. ZAI Real estate services $222,000 8KIN-200154 (4) MONUC February 2011 Vendor Cntry Description Value PO No. Ref. No. INSTITUTE OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINNERING MCD Real estate services $36,000 8MIK-800038 (1) UNMIK JEAN FENIO DICETTE USA Real estate services $30,000 8HSA-200085 (1) MINUSTAH MOHAMED & SAYED ABDELGADIR ELKHABIR SUD Real estate services $45,330 MIS0-599 UNMIS Mr. Abdul Aziz ALIBHAI IVC Real estate services $70,859 8OCI-300366 ONUCI TIRUPATI KENYA LTD KEN Real estate services $30,847 8MEE-200258 UNMEE Tsehay Bogale ETH Real estate services $72,000 8MEE-200262 UNMEE January 2011 Vendor Cntry Description Value PO No. Ref. No. ADDIS EXPORTER LIMITED ETH Real estate services $90,000 8MEE-200009 (1) UNMEE AHMAD AWAD ABD AL-HALIM AL-HUSSEIN JOR Real estate services $100,000 8AMI-200001 UNAMI DEVOTRA P.L.C ERI Real estate services $69,696 8MEE-200007 (1) UNMEE HOUSING AND COMMERCE BANK OF ERITREA ERI Real estate services $432,840 8MEE-200004 (1) UNMEE LEFORT JEAN LOUIS HAI Real estate services $31,355 8HSA-200491 MINUSTAH MR. ANTOINE MUSANGANYA LUBONGERA ZAI Real estate services $96,000 8KIN-200123 MONUC MR. KOBY ZITONI Isr Real estate services $56,160 PO8-1 UNTSO OSMAN ABDALLAH EL NAZEER SUD Real estate services $57,576 MIS0-574 UNMIS R.SIRGANIAN USA Real estate services $129,216 PO8-3 UNTSO REMHAI HOTEL ETH Real estate services $51,208 8MEE-200036 (1) UNMEE SUDAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SUD Real estate services $125,750 MIS0-604 UNMIS 380 Madison Avenue 2nd Floor New York, NY 10017 General Info.: (212) 963-6249 Fax No.: (212) 963-0377 Terms of Use
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