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Im balcklisted in dubai

Question anonyme le 19/02/2011 à 09h45
[ ! ]
I have been dubai and i worked there tha. i took a small amout from a bank after that i change my job after 1 month my new compagny closed i didn t find a way to pay my credict even i didn t find a bew job now i want to get back can i ?
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Réponses sur le thème « 
im balcklisted in dubai
  • 2
    Searching for a job in dubai or beirut.. i'm graduated from ESMOD tunis international school of fash
  • 1
    Hi, i'm Farah from Algeria , 19 years old, i speak Frensh, English,German and Arabic. I just heard
  • 4
    I am a holder of BSc in GEOGRAPHY from the University of BUEA with honours and i need a job as an
  • 2
    Hi, I m tunisian woman,with 34 years old, I got my diploma in politic communication that's to mean
  • 1
    Bonsoir,je suis estheticienne,j aimerai travailler a dubai pouvez vous me donner quelque information
  • 3
    Je veux m'inscrire dans un formulaire pour postuler a un emploi a dubai dans le domaine maritime
  • 2
    I have just obtained my diploma in translation and I'm specialized in translating Arabic into Englis
  • 1
    Je voudrais déposer ma candidature pour travailler comme hôtesse d’accueil au Centre Culturel Algér
  • 4
    Hi every one , Recently i knew a young men living in France .I am so in love with him .He is such
  • 2
    Bonjour je voudrais savoir comment travailler à dubai car il y a des annonces portant sur l'emploi à
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