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J'aimerai jouer dans votre centre de formation

Question anonyme le 29/02/2012 à 20h05
Dernière réponse le 25/10/2012 à 19h22
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Je suis un jeune footballeur ivoirien je me nome ouattara Mohamed de 18ans je sollicite votre aide pour m’intègre a votre centre de formation S.V.P aide moi voici mon numéro de téléphone (225)57826531 ou le (225)47670757
2 réponses pour « 
j'aimerai jouer dans votre centre de formation
Réponse de youniniho99
Le 20/04/2012 é 19h23
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Je suis un jeune footbaleur ivoirien mon nom est Youniniho Sionné j'ai 15ans je voulllais sollicite de votre aide pour mintegré dans votre centre de formation je compte vraiment sur votre bonne foie pour m'aider voici mon numéro de telephone +225 04046877
Référence(s) :
j'aimerai jouer dans votre centre de formation
Réponse anonyme
Le 25/10/2012 é 19h22
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Mexico's system is nonthig new, Aguirre actually played in this system as a player in Mexico 86. Granted, they were at home but this system fits the Mexican characteristics extremely well, they were knocked out by Germany in PKs. Had they won, they no doubt would have made history. Side note, had that match been in the Azteca and not in Monterey (now host countries play all games in their den) Mexico might have won. That was a big mistake but I digress.The big limitation to this system as with any system is you can't use it effectively if you don't have Vela, Dos Santos, Barerra, Medina. Mexico are currently blessed with effective attackers, particularly, quick wide players with high work rates that like 1v1 battles.That was not the case last couple of World Cups.The big difference with Lavolpe's system is he lacked the attacking players and therefore had what is commonly referred to in Mexico as linea de 5 that uses industrious players with little personality in my opinion, effectively a 5-3-1-1. With an enganche.Long story short, both systems keep possession very well but Aguirre's 4-3-3 or 3-4-3 system gives the attackers liberty to attack, and puts the onus on them to get the job done press, get wide, cut-in, take defenders on We saw vs. England and vs. Italy sometimes they are up to the task and other times they miss a boatload of goals.For the record, one overlooked reason for Mexico's success is the overt riches in defensive midfielders, it could cultural or it could be because clubs prefer to employ minimum 2 at the same time. I can name 10 defensive midfielders worthy of at least being rostered for Mexico. I can't say the same for strikers though. Lol.
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j'aimerai jouer dans votre centre de formation
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