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Travailler aux Etats Unis

Question anonyme le 20/07/2009 à 16h25
Dernière réponse le 19/05/2012 à 08h46
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Bonjour je suis francais et je voudrai aller aux Etats Unis pour aller travailler j'ai de l'éxpérience dans la hotelerie, comment trouver un contrat de travail?
3 réponses pour « 
travailler aux Etats Unis
Réponse anonyme
Le 12/12/2010 é 15h13
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Je veux planter dans le Allayat États-Unis
Référence(s) :
Retour dans les vacances accordée que
Réponse de Divine_Justice
Le 30/04/2011 é 02h28
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Bah faut googleler a fond j'ai dégoter sa : http://www.lhotellerie-restauration.fr/offre-emploi/hotellerie-restauration-etats-unis.asp le reste tu peux voir sur de site généraux tels que : http://www.localcareers.com/ enjoy =) bonne chance
Réponse anonyme
Le 19/05/2012 é 08h46
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Je suis en contacte avec hyatt hotels & resorts in new york et ce pour un emploi en usa comme assistant de secretariat voila j'ai envoyé les document personel pour constitue le dossier pour visa est j'ai 295 usd frais a l'avocat et pour prendre mon poste travail début de mois de juin. mes j'ai une autre lettre auxdessous me demande un autre paiement de 768 usd Dear Khaled Attif, We wish to bring to your notice the status of your immigration process. You have been garanteed by Miss Sierra Hackworth on the issue of temporary residence permit which is very important for the legalities of your immigration and working in the United States. We are securing your urgent WORK PERMIT which we shall present before the U.S Department of State. This would confirm your intended immigration status and the endorsement of your visa will be done as early as possible. This process involve the sum $768(US dollars). As a result you will have to reach (your regional coordinator) Mr. Andoni Sanchez to arrange with him how you will reach him with the above sum as soon as possible.Meanwhile, I am also sending a copy by BBC to him. We aslo want you to follow this with the urgency it requires. This is what is holding the clearance of your visa right now. It is also very important that you secure it now before your entering the United States, this way your purpose of immigration is made clear and there will not be any kind of documentation anormaly on your part. We advice that you make a better arrangement that will facilitate the fast and easy transfer of the above mentioned fund to Mr. Sanchez, considering the urgency that is required. Having said all these, we await your swift reaction in this process as we wait for you to join us first week of June. Yours faithfully, Dustin Cooley. Recruitment Coordinator, Human Resource Department. Hyatt Hotels & Resorts. 405 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10174 Tel: +13477596169, Email: Recruitmenthyatt@job4u.com
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travailler aux Etats Unis
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