Je suis camerounais age de 24ans et orphelin de père et de mère depuis plusieurs année sil vous plais aidée moi car je ne sais plus quoi faire de ma et celle de mes frères ma vie est entre vos mains
Dear parent's it is a heart bruised by the pain of the disease that i sew you to persuade you still shines in the flame that restores all hope because i suffer gangrene in my main nerve requires a chemo-therapy because surgery would be fatal so i appeal to you parent's and you need to have compassion and pity me for my person i am dependent on my mother who provides for all my life i would still like for the Glory of God is man standing so please help me thank you in advance pa
Référence(s) :
Ngoubè Lobè Valdèze i'm a francophone ut i write English and Spanish my number phone is +237 74221202 and my mail is or