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Comment developper(x+2)^3

Question anonyme le 13/09/2009 à 14h50
Dernière réponse le 29/05/2023 à 12h59
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Merci de bien vouloir me répondre je ne m'en souviens absolument plus
10 réponses pour « 
comment developper(x+2)^3
Réponse anonyme
Le 13/09/2009 é 15h07
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(x+2)^3 = x^3 + 6x² + 12x + 8
Réponse anonyme
Le 07/10/2010 é 05h41
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Oui! x^3+6x^2+12x+8 il est exact! Merci pour une bon question :)
Réponse anonyme
Le 26/02/2011 é 23h08
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-7 (-x+3)+3(x+2)+2(x-1)
Réponse anonyme
Le 05/03/2012 é 17h50
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Pour celle la comment fait-on : (1:8 - 2:3x)(8:3x -1:6)
Réponse anonyme
Le 17/03/2012 é 11h27
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Comment ont ressou celle la ? : 3x²+3x+5-x²+2x-4
Réponse anonyme
Le 13/10/2012 é 20h26
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Question bête mais bon : comment développer (x+1)^3
Réponse anonyme
Le 27/10/2014 é 14h08
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Réponse anonyme
Le 26/10/2015 é 11h22
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C'est un QCM je dois trouver la solution de l'équation x^(2/3)=a Les solution sont: A: x=a^(2/3) B: x=(3/2)a C: x=a^-(3/2) D: w=a^(3/2) Merci
Réponse anonyme
Le 06/05/2023 é 18h13
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ChatCrypto is building a high performance AI Bot which is CHATGPT of CRYPTO. We are launching the Worlds first deflationary Artificial Intelligence token (CHATCRYPTOTOKEN) which will be used as a payment gateway to license Be rest assured and happy to be part of Chatcrypto family as signing up would give you free 1600 chatcrypto tokens(CCAIT) Project link https://bit.ly/41Fp0jc and with every referral you refer to Chatcrypto, you earn extra 1600 tokens for free. q1w2e19z
Réponse anonyme
Le 29/05/2023 é 12h59
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Walken is a Web3 app that turns daily physical activity, such as walking and running, into a fun game and promotes a healthy lifestyle. You can choose your CAThlete, an in-game character, and go for a walk with him or her. Each time you take a step, your character advances to the next level, making the activity more interesting and motivating. The app gives you three units of energy, which you can use to fight other players. If you win, you receive tokens that can be exchanged on various exchanges. In addition, energy is automatically regenerated by one unit per hour. Walken - is a fun way to keep yourself physically active while having fun and earning tokens. Application link Google Play http://bit.ly/41n5HuR Application link AppStore https://bit.ly/3GEbZym Don't forget to apply the promo code to get a nice bonus for the most successful start in the game <b>Promo code: C761JUM</b> qw@qq
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comment developper(x+2)^3
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