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SpringTime Reloaded Simply Ingeniously Creative Event!!!You Should Be very proud & what Great Vision of the Creator!!!Everyone was totally BLOWN AWAY FROM THE LINE-UP, The FOOD,THE PROFESSIONALISM, The DRINKS, The HIGHLANDS IN FOREST PARK LOCATION, The AMBIANCE, The ENERGY, The ECLECTIC ARRAY OF PEOPLE & some much more!!!!This has never been DONE Before & it is about Time!!!!You shuold tell all of St. Louis about what happened at this event! Only 600 people knew about it, who were there, but how everything was executed without Radio Ad & etc. was OUTSTANDING!!!!You guys went up against some Heavy-Hitters that weekend and Destroyed them!!!!I hope that this event happens again!!!!!!!
Hey Selena J,You might remember me alihwe back, I met you with my god brother Curtis on W. Florrisant near the Pet store. I wanted to contact you so that I can see about getting a little exposure to my massage business and the fitness studio I will also be working out of soon.I know that you are a busy lady and I would like to offer you a try out of my services for your PR Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon. Namaste
Vous êtes vraiment sadique avec des personnes innocente !
Et si tu a fais V.I.P des personnes dis nous qui comme sa nous pouvons demander au personne !
Je suis totalement d'accord avec Maman Œufs !
Référence(s) :
Mon Pseudo Est Linabelle : Mais autre compte Niveau 24 (: ♥