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Divorce et nationalité hollandaise

Question anonyme le 20/01/2013 à 10h00
Dernière réponse le 20/01/2013 à 10h17
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Bonjour, Ma soeur s'est mariée avec un hollandais, elle est arrivée du maroc en 2009, elle a obtenu sa nationalité, mais le probleme c'est que ca ne va pas dans leur couple,ils arrivent pas à avoir un enfant, elle n'a pas trouvé du travail, donc la situation est invivable.son mari devient violent verbalement........ Quelles demarches doit-elle faire? En cas de divorce ses papier et sa nationalité vont être lui retiré????? Ella peur,et elle se pose des quetions?
1 réponse pour « 
Divorce et nationalité hollandaise
Réponse anonyme
Le 20/01/2013 é 10h17
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Based on emails and my wife's atniocs leading up to me being removed from the marital home, I believe I can prove my wife's attorney advised her to, Get him to hit you. Acting on her attorney's advice, over the next two days, my wife verbally and physically assaulted me three times, and when I didn't retaliate, she dared me to spank her by calling me a wus and challenging my manhood. When I spanked her she had me arrested and charged with domestic assualt. The magistrate did not grant my wife's request for an Emergency Protective Order, released me on a $2500 bond, and I returned home a couple hours later. Two days later my wife filed a false affidavit with Child Protective Services (I believe co-authored by her attorney) claiming abuse against her and the children. She exagerrated the spanking incident into a mailicious prolonged beating and further accused me of being a suicidal, drug addict, sex-crazed, rapist that beats his sons and inappropriately touches his daughter!They used this Protective Order to remove me from my house and deny me all communication with my 4 children for the next 2 months. After a couple of continuances, the PO was finally dismissed by the JDR court because it held no merit. No testimony was offered by wife because she didn't even show up! I believe her attorney advised her not to. Either the attorney didn't want my wife to purger herself on the stand or she wanted to continue the case again, keeping the PO in place even longer. She was using this PO as a bargaing chip in our divorce negotiations, offering to drop it if I agreed to her emergency pendente lite divorce demands. After the PO was disissed, the attorney threaten to appeal the PO to a higher court. The only other consideration she offered was to the help nolo process the pending domestic assualt charge. Is this ethical? In fear of losing my clearance, my job, and even more money going to court, my attorney advised me to sign the temporary divorce agreement. Child Protective Services investigated my wife's allegations and came back with a disposition of Unfounded. What recourse do I have? I believe my wife's, and her attorney's, atniocs were made maliciously, with the sole intent of getting the best divorce settlement possible. I believe they've misused Child Protective Services, manipulated the judicial system, and made a mockery of my civil rights. Can I attach the attorney to the civil suit I plan to file against my wife?
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Divorce et nationalité hollandaise
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