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Recrutement des hotesse de l'air chez qatar airways - Page 2

Question anonyme le 04/02/2010 à 18h48
Dernière réponse le 30/09/2014 à 22h08
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32 réponses pour « 
recrutement des hotesse de l'air chez qatar airways
Réponse de marioum
Le 12/10/2012 é 17h46
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Hey my name is Manel i am 29 years old from Tunisia and i am searching for a job as an air hostess In Qatar. This is my address mannou888@hotmail.fr can you please connect me i'll approcaited, thank you
Référence(s) :
speak english and frensh
Réponse anonyme
Le 01/12/2012 é 23h15
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Gd evnng.this is kaoutar from Morocco...im 21 years,i was in training as a flight attendant ..wheni finished my training i worked for 6 months in the St.Regis hotel in Doha....but i couldn t stay there coz i wanna work as an air hostess..so i came back here..i have also CSS ( certificate of security and first aid)...so plz if u have any offer for me don t hesitate to contact me..thk u.
Réponse anonyme
Le 13/12/2012 é 05h32
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Hello my name is faten.i have 23 years old.i m from tunisia.i was studying in a faculty of languages.i was in the 1st year of university.studying business english.and i hope to work in qatar airways.
Réponse de hotesse de l'air
Le 13/12/2012 é 06h30
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HOTESSES DE L'AIR RECRUTEMENT Envoyer : CV ° Photo airform.cabincrew@gmail.com Lien Qatar: Airways:http://careers.qatarairways.com/qatarairways/VacancyDetail.aspx?VacancyID=52859
Référence(s) :
Réponse de Souhilamoussaoui
Le 29/01/2013 é 23h49
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Bonjours,je me prénome souhila j'ai 22ans 1,70m j'habite Paris,bachelière ,je parle arabe(toutes),français,anglais .
Référence(s) :
Réponse anonyme
Le 26/02/2013 é 13h34
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Hi, my name is zineb from morocco,i am 27 years old,i have bac and my diploma of general purpose nurse and nowi am preparing my cerificate of Safety and Security of passengers , i dream of being an air hostess in Quatar Airways.i speak English , Arabic, French .Also, i have to inform you that i have a good looking style and a charmin.I'm 1,62m, 56kilos.Besides, i'm a sociable girl and i like to communicate with people i like customers service so i have a great experience in call centers,I 'worked as a nurse at surgery division in a public hospital, so,waiting for your response as soon as possible, i hope that it will attract your attention towards me. My phone:002126 74 18 68 55 my E-mail: zynep.elmalki@hotmail.fr
Réponse anonyme
Le 02/06/2013 é 05h50
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Je suis ben cheikh fadwa, âgée de 22 ans, j'ai eu mon diplôme comme étant hôtesse de l'air au centre de formation des hôtesses et de stewards IAC "International Airline Crew" de SOUSSE .je parle arabe français anglais et allemand.J'ai amélioré les méthodes de discutions par le travail en Été comme caissie et j'aime bien trouver un poste de travail pour hôtesse de l'air a Tunisair . J'attend votre réponse et merci beaucoup
Réponse anonyme
Le 31/07/2013 é 01h12
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Hi my name is saidi amine from algéria i have 26 years old i study english(bac+2) im looking for a job like s stiward or a formation of that job to be a stiward for my physical body i have 1.85 m and 79 kg i will very happy if you conect me my phon number is 0661.28.48.64my facbook is amineski1@hotmail.fr im always waiting
Réponse anonyme
Le 17/12/2013 é 13h00
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Hi i'm nesma from tunisia i would like to be a hotesse de l'air and i'm 19 years i'm standing 1er droit my Longitudinal 1.70 cm and I weigh 50kg if u connect me my phone +21655626181 and my facebook princiessenessma@yahoo.fr
Réponse anonyme
Le 16/08/2014 é 22h52
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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen. I am young, motivated and my personal attitude to life is - highly motivated and willing to work as much as possible, and really would like to be active with you. Everything that I don't know yet, is just a perfect option for me to learn something new. A few practical trainings in social work activities (like retirement home, kindergarten, animal care ,...) shows that i am a sociable person and ready to help in every situation. For one year, I was working in a telemarketing center from 2013 until 2014 - customer services with inbound sales. At the moment I am doing a 3 months practical training at Tunisie Voyage. My character is determined and inexhaustible. I am a team-player and eager to learn. I am speaking german (native-written and spoken), english (very good- written and spoken), tunisian arabic (basics - spoken). I hope, that you will take the right decision and choose me-> (sskouni1@gmail.com or 00216 52 66 14 10) Kind Regards S.K.
Réponse anonyme
Le 30/09/2014 é 06h43
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,bonjour je m'appelle mohamed taoualit , 27 ans , d'alger agents d aceuil avec 3ans d expeerience dans le domaine d otes .bon condission fisyque ; et métrise de langue francais, anglais , arabe , et kabyle ma langue maternel . voici mon num de telephone 213555859244.. mon adresse email c est : mohamed--15@hotmail.fr . j éspêre bien avoir une repence le plus vite poussible , merci.
Réponse de Jean R.
Le 30/09/2014 é 22h08
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Bonjour, ce n'est pas sur le site " www.experts-univers.com " que vous devez poser votre candidature ! Ici, nous ne ferons que vous donner des renseignements ou des conseils.
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  • Pas de propos insultant, diffamatoire, ni xénophobe
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recrutement des hotesse de l'air chez qatar airways
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