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  The Rise of Africa "Africa and the Global Economy"?

Question anonyme le 24/02/2011 à 13h21
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Final Call for Applications *****     ******************************************   The Rise of Africa "Africa and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Sustainable Tourism and International Investment on the African Continent" (Berlin, March 9th - 12th, 2011, *in conjunction with the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011) www.icd-riseofafrica.org Cultural Diplomacy in Africa - A Forum for Young Leaders (CDA) "Africa and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Sustainable Tourism and International Investment on the African Continent" (Berlin, from 09th - 16th March 2011) www.icd-africa.org * Participants in the CDA Weeklong Seminar will also take part in the International Conference: The Rise of Africa "Africa and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Sustainable Tourism and International Investment on the African Continent" (Berlin, from 09th - 12th March 2011)      ******************************************** “Berlin: A Century in a City” - Visit Europe’s Cultural Capital in the springtime. Click here for more info View a Selection of Nation Branding Video Clips from across the World. Click here for more info ******************************************** ******   ICD Calendar 2011 (More>):   Cultural Diplomacy in the Global Economy > (Berlin, 06 - 12 March, 2011)      The Rise of Africa > (Berlin, 9 – 12 March, 2011)   Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders (Berlin, 9 – 16 March, 2011) Nuestra America > (Berlin, 9 – 12 March, 2011)   Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders (Berlin, 9 – 16 March, 2011)   *****   *******************************     The Rise of Africa "Africa and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Sustainable Tourism and International Investment on the African Continent" (Berlin, March 9th - 12th, 2011, *in conjunction with the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011) www.icd-riseofafrica.org As the world slowly recovers from the global financial crisis, international economists and politicians are looking once again to the future. Whilst the emergence of new economic powerhouses in Asia and Latin America is widely agreed upon, however, the influence of the African continent on the global political economy remains unclear. The year 2011 therefore represents an important opportunity to consider this role, and to examine strategies that will strengthen development and foster growth within Africa. Program Background The economic challenge facing Africa is unique. Despite a wealth of natural resources, large parts of the continent are underdeveloped and face severe obstacles on their path to growth. Efforts by the international community to support economic and societal development have had, at best, mixed results: A lack of infrastructure, brain drain, political instability, and corrupt practices by actors on both sides have weakened the impact of these efforts. In addition to these challenges, African governments and companies are faced with a changing playing field brought about by the digital revolution, the 24-hour news cycle, the financial crises, and international pressure to combat climate change. Despite these challenges, progress is well being made. The hosting of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, through controversial, was a symbol of the continent’s growing prominence and should have a positive long-term impact on tourism and investment. Micro-finance schemes have provided a unique way of combining philanthropy with profit, and there success can be seen by their recent introduction in developed countries. The changing playing field outlined above also has its benefits, allowing the continent to ‘skip’ technological development stages - such as wired telecommunications. In their efforts to foster stable economic growth, African countries will rely heavily on their ability to attract tourists and external investment. The image of a country abroad, its national brand, is therefore of paramount importance. As was apparent in the run-up to the South African World Cup, African countries will have to work hard to convince of their security and stability. The ICD will therefore hold “The Rise of Africa” to explore the concept of nation branding, and how African governments, companies, and other stakeholders can engage with it.    To apply please visit:   http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/experienceafrica/index.php?en_the-rise-of-africa_application-form     ******************** Cultural Diplomacy in Africa - A Forum for Young Leaders (CDA) "Africa and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Sustainable Tourism and International Investment on the African Continent" (Berlin, from 09th - 16th March 2011) www.icd-africa.org Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDA) is a network of young, dynamic individuals from across the world who share an interest in the African continent. The program is based on the recognition that cultural diplomacy represents an important tool in helping Africa to address the challenges it currently faces. The network conducts ongoing activity aimed at supporting development and strengthening relations between different countries and cultural groups within Africa, and between African and external partners. Individuals can join the CDA Forum by taking part in one of the CDA Weeklong Seminars, which are held every 3-4 months in Berlin, Germany. Each CDA Weeklong Seminar will be focused on a specific theme related to the African continent and the goals of the Forum. These Weeklong Seminars include lectures, seminars, and workshops lead by experts from the fields of politics, academia, and civil society, as well as cultural and social activities. In addition to raising awareness amongst the participants of the field of cultural diplomacy and salient issues concerning the African continent, the week also provides an opportunity to network and experience the vibrant Berlin. Once they have joined the CDA Forum, members are supported by the ICD in organizing leadership initiatives, conducting academic research, and are invited to join the ICD Online Forum - enabling them to share information and communicate with likeminded individuals across the world. To apply please visit: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/experienceafrica/index.php?en_cda_application-form     **********   Speakers The speakers during the program will consist of renowned figures from international economics and politics including former Heads of State, current and former Ministers, high-profile representatives from the private and public sectors, renowned stakeholders from civil society, and the world’s leading academics from the fields of economics, political science, and the social sciences. A large number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board will also be speaking at the conference. The full speakers list can be found here. Speakers for the conference include: Abel Cruz - Vice Minister of Economy Investing and Competitive Issues of Guatemala Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister of Treasury and Public Credit of Nicaragua, Minister of Finance of Nicaragua Dr. Alfredo Palacio - Former President of Ecuador; ICD Advisory Board Member Prof. Andy Pike - Professor of Local and Regional Development, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) Newcastle University, UK Armands Slokenbergs - Director, Latvian Tourism Development Agency Amb. Ahmada R. Ngemera - Ambassador of Tanzania to Germany; Former Minister of Industry, Trade, and Marketing for Tanzania; Former Deputy Secretary General of the East African Community, responsible for Finance and Administration Beatriz Merino - Former Prime minister of Peru Dr. Cathy Parker - Development Director for the Institute of Place Management and Professor of Marketing and Retail Enterprise at Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, UK Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim - Former Foreign Minister of Brazil Dr. Charles van Marrewijk - Professor of International Economics, Utrecht School of Economics, Utrecht University, Netherlands (Specializations: International Trade, Geographical Economics, Economic Growth & Development) Edmund Bartlett - Minister of Tourism of Jamaica Dr. Erhard Busek - Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria, Former Minister for Education & Cultural Affairs; ICD Advisory Board Member; Former Minister for Science and Research; Advisor to ECIKS (Economic Initiative for Kosovo) Filippe Savadogo - Minister of Culture, Tourism and Communication of Burkina Faso François Loos – French Minister Delegate for Industry; Former French Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade Frank Barry - Professor of International Business & Development, School of Business, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Frédéric Pierret - Executive Director, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Dr. Gerhard Prätorius - Head of Coordination CSR and Sustainability, Volkswagen AG; ICD Advisory Board Member Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko - Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Poland; Professor of Economics, Kozminski University, Poland Hans Eichel – Former German Minister of Finance Hugo Lavados Montes - Former Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism of Chile Lord Jack McConnell - Former First Minister of Scotland; Former Treasurer to the Stirling District Council; ICD Advisory Board Member Dr. João Ricardo Freire - Brand Consultant for Brandia Central Regional; Editor for Europe, Middle East and Africa for the Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Journal Kingsley Makhubela - Director-General of the National Department of Tourism of South Africa Dr. Jan Van Der Borg - Professor in the Economics of Tourism at Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Ca'Foscari University of Venice, Italy Janez Jansa - Former Prime minister of Slovenia; president of the Slovenian Democratic Party; ICD Advisory Board Member Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign Minister of the Republic of Seychelles Joy Wheeler - Ambassador of Jamaica to Germany; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Kalonzo Musyoka - Vice President of Kenya; Former Minister of the Environment of Kenya Nahas Angula - Prime Minister of Namibia Dr. Nigel Morgan - Welsh Centre for Tourism Research, Cardiff School of Management, UK H.E Norman Garcia Paz - Ambassador of Honduras to Spain; Former Minister of Trade and Industry of Honduras; Former Minister of Tourism of Honduras Dr. Oliver Zoellner – Chair of Media and Marketing Research, Stuttgart Media University, Germany Hon. Ousman Jammeh - Former Minister of Energy of Gambia; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Gambia Dr. Peter Cornelius - Economic Advisor to AlpInvest Partners; Former Group Chief Economist for Royal Dutch Shell; Former Chief Economist and Director of the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Program Rajesh Jeetah - Minister of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology of the Republic of Mauritius Raymond Ranjeva - Former Judge on the International Court of Justice; Conciliator at the World Bank International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes Dr. Sebastian Guerrini - Designer and Doctor of Philosophy in Communications & Image Studies Simon Middleton – Founder & Principal, Brand Strategy Guru H.E. Victoria Saidu Kamara - Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Sierra Leone Wally Olins - One of the World's Most Experienced Practitioners of Corporate Identity and Branding; Visiting Fellow at Said Business School in Oxford; Visiting Professor at Lancaster University The Hon. Walter Mzembi - Tourism Minister of Zimbabwe Please address all enquiries to info@culturaldiplomacy.org
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  The Rise of Africa "Africa and the Global Economy"?
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