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Am Belvedere Norberto,a FIFA Registered and Licensed Agent,

Question de norberto10 le 19/06/2012 à 00h07
Dernière réponse le 10/09/2013 à 18h43
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Hello , Am Belvedere Norberto,a FIFA Registered and Licensed Agent,am currently recruiting Players for a Football Trial in UK. Send me your Football CV and International Passports,so that i can know your Playing ability and for total assessment. The Football/Soccer CV will be Forward to our Agency and to some other clubs in European league,to be Officially Reviewed And Approved for the Tryout (Trails)Our agency is one of the best in the UK. We've signed many players from our Trial in most of the clubs listed.. 1. Oldham FC. 2. Gent Fc of Belgium 3. Rbc Rosendha Fc of Holland 4. Sparta Rotherdam 5. Barnsley FC. 6. Southend Fc. 7. Leads United 8. Southampton FC 9. Aston Villa FC 10.Stoke City FC 11.Man City. NOTE: Our Agency will Relocate you to The venue of the Trails (Europe) Including Your Airline Ticket,Accommodation And Feeding all though your stay in the Camp will be covered by Our Sponsor And Agency while the Registration fee of 350GBP will be paid by the players. This is our Agency details: Cadmens (IFA) Limited Brisker Court, 1685/1689 High Street KNOWLE, SOLIHULL, WEST MIDLANDS B93 0LN TEL 00447035905519 UK. NOTE: You can check me out at FIFA WEBSITE TO CONFIRM MY REGISTRATION BELOW:http://www.fifa.com/aboutfifa/organisation/footballgovernance/playeragents/letter=b.html Entry requirements for players: (1.) Players must hold a valid national passport; the passport must be valid for a minimum of three months. N.B: Please note that this fee covers the player's registration and invitation letter along with medical Insurance only. Your travel tickets, hotel accommodation (all inclusive), trial kits, venue hire, match officials, and water/refreshment is funded by clubs sponsors and free for all registered players.. (2.) Scanned copies of international passport or national I.D Card data page and passport photograph should be scanned and sent through Email attachment for identification purposes Including your previous Football/Soccer gaming experience and a CV (curriculum vitae). However, dropped players will be compensated and they will return to their home countries with their return tickets, we also don't want people to abuse this medium and use it as an opportunity. Kind Regards. Belvedere Norberto, belvedere.norberto@gmail.com
1 réponse pour « 
Am Belvedere Norberto,a FIFA Registered and Licensed Agent,
Réponse anonyme
Le 10/09/2013 é 18h43
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Salut je suis as la rechercer din managerfifa je suis camerounai jai 15 ans 1.89 taille poid 76 kg je joue au poste attaqant je suis actuelemen au cameroune svp je compte sur vous voici mon numero 0023791178615
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Am Belvedere Norberto,a FIFA Registered and Licensed Agent,
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